Potentium – Episode 131 (7/14/18)

Potentium – Episode 131 (7/14/18)

Kids in the cave all rescued (3:40)

Georgia cops flip a virtual coin to determine an arrest (12:30)

More racist incidents – Park/Pool/92 year old man/Papa John (17:55)

Mitch McConnell heckled (41:15)

Brett Kavanaugh nominated for the Supreme Court (46:10)

Trumpanzees & the Space Force/Cultist mother and daughter make a song about Trump (53:25)

Trump pardons the Hammonds (1:03:05)

Peter Strzok hearing/Rep. Luis Gutiérrez (IL) (1:08:55)

Trump attacks NATO, Germany, England & everyone else/European protests  (1:27:35)

Rod Rosenstein announces indictments against a dozen Russians for election interference (1:36:35)

Potentium – Episode 106 (1/13/18)

Potentium – Episode 106 (1/13/18)

The “Wet Dream Team” (3:15)

Racist teacher tells black student he’ll be lynched if he doesn’t “get on task” (10:30)

Mentally ill hospital patient dumped at UMMC bus stop (20:00)

Charges dismissed against Bundy clan (29:25)

Governor of New Mexico, Suzanna Martinez, wants to grant immunity to police in the line of duty (34:35)

84 year old Joe Arpaio to run for Arizona Senate (40:35)

Trump – Mueller/DACA/Oil/“Shitholes” (51:10)

Oprah for President (1:35:20)

Eric Clapton is going deaf (1:44:20)


Potentium – Episode 016

Potentium – Episode 016

Kentucky ultrasound law/Abortion laws in conservative states/California birth control law

Darlene McBride – “Take Back America Tour”

Donald Trump can say or do anything he wants/The latest GOP debate/Trump vs. Rubio/Trump WILL be President

The Oscars – Movie & TV reviews/The Hateful Eight and the N word

Kansas shooting spree – Nothing to see here…move along

The FBI vs. Apple


Potentium – Episode 012

Potentium – Episode 012

Hate mail vol. 2 – Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Guns & Muslims

The Oregon “standoff” & latest developments

Bullet points on latest GOP debate

Trump flip-flop montage/Washington Post article – The education of Trump supporters

People who sabotaged Planned Parenthood indicted

Ammon Bundy