Potentium – Episode 466 (1/30/25)

Potentium – Episode 466 (1/30/25)

FL Principal & Teacher arrested for having booze fueled, teen house party

WA Activist Judge Bender strikes again (8:15)

Dalton Mayor Tiffany Henyard & cronies continue their ghetto behavior at Township meeting (25:05)

DC mid air collision (35:15)

Trump supporter & Jan 6th Insurrectionist killed by police (48:25)

Trump – Chaos, firings, security details & a Medicaid scare (52:55)

NFL playoffs (1:13:05)

Charges dropped against Marilyn Manson (1:14:35)

Potentium – Episode 148 (11/17/18)

Potentium – Episode 148 (11/17/18)

Couples etiquette when paying the check

Couple and homeless man perpetrate GoFundMe scam (4:30)

California wildfires/East Coast Nor’easter (9:40)

Security guard shot by Midlothian PD after stopping active shooter (24:00)

Green Beret killed, “A Few Good Men” style (29:08)

Baraboo, WI High School Nazis (31:50)

Steve King warned by Iowa Governor for his racist mouth (38:20)

The “victim” Monica Lewinsky (46:05)

The pederast Anarchist that is Julian Assange (53:40)

Jim Acosta gets his WH press pass back, for now (58:45)

Vampira gets White House official fired (1:04:00)

Trump – France/Troops at the border/North Korea nukes/Mueller’s questions (1:09:30)

Stan Lee dies (1:34:35)

Notre Dame/Bears

Happy Thanksgiving folks & thanks for listening!

Potentium – Episode 134 (8/4/18)

Potentium – Episode 134 (8/4/18)

California wildfires (3:00)

L.A. hostage shooting (8:50)

Aero Mexico plane crash (13:20)

Swedish royal jewels stolen (21:45)

More racism – Having lunch on your campus/Helping the homeless while black (26:00)

Who is America – Roy Moore and the pedophile detector (38:00)

Alex Jones/“Q Anon”/Seth Rich/Hannity/Shep Smith (44:20)

Trump – Shutdown/Mueller investigation/The evolution of Batboy Giuliani/Sessions/Ivanka/N. Korea/ID for groceries (1:15:05)

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (1:40:45)

Alan Alda has Parkinson’s disease (1:42:15)

Potentium – Episode 131 (7/14/18)

Potentium – Episode 131 (7/14/18)

Kids in the cave all rescued (3:40)

Georgia cops flip a virtual coin to determine an arrest (12:30)

More racist incidents – Park/Pool/92 year old man/Papa John (17:55)

Mitch McConnell heckled (41:15)

Brett Kavanaugh nominated for the Supreme Court (46:10)

Trumpanzees & the Space Force/Cultist mother and daughter make a song about Trump (53:25)

Trump pardons the Hammonds (1:03:05)

Peter Strzok hearing/Rep. Luis Gutiérrez (IL) (1:08:55)

Trump attacks NATO, Germany, England & everyone else/European protests  (1:27:35)

Rod Rosenstein announces indictments against a dozen Russians for election interference (1:36:35)

Potentium – Episode 129 (6/30/18)

Potentium – Episode 129 (6/30/18)

Woman denied D&C prescription to end her “miscarriage in the womb” pregnancy by religious pharmacist (5:20)

Woman calls natural born Mexican/American citizen a “rapist” & “drug dealer” because Trump said so (17:20)

Trump – Immigration/SCOTUS/Chief Justice Anthony Kennedy retires (33:50)

Trump attacks Harley Davidson (1:33:10)

Capital Gazette shooting (1:40:05)

Joe Jackson dies/Michael Jackson (1:56:50)

Trumpanzee “Wallace Leatherwood” a.k.a. Thomas Noble (@thomasnoble1776) pusses out AGAIN, blocks me, then reports my Tweets from a week ago

Potentium – Episode 128 (6/23/18)

Potentium – Episode 128 (6/23/18)

Texas Hold ‘em/Red Dead Redemption – Undead Nightmare (Herbert Moon)

Black, unarmed teen shot in the back by East Pittsburgh police while running away  (21:25)

Trump – Immigration/The separation of families under HIS policy & HIS humanitarian crisis/US withdraws from UN Human Rights Council (33:30)

Roger Stone also “forgot” he met with Russians (1:34:45)

Pantera drummer Vinnie Paul dies at 54 (1:47:10)

Trump supporter “Wallace Leatherwood” (@Thomas Noble1776) was supposed to call in and debate, but pusses out

Summer of mashups

Potentium – Episode 105 (1/6/18)

Potentium – Episode 105 (1/6/18)

Call of Duty “swatting” incident (4:00)

Internet maniac Freddie Richmond of Richmond Trucking – Dunnellon, FL (10:45)

Track Palin arrested again (18:20)

US Ambassador to the Netherlands Peter Hoekstra puts both feet in his mouth (24:15)

Jeff Sessions – Marijuana/Obstruction & the Clintons (27:50)

Iran (44:00)

North Korea and “big dick” nuclear buttons (47:50)

Trump believes in the “deep state” (54:35)

“Sloppy Steve” Bannon/“Fire & Fury” by Michael Wolff (1:01:30)

Trump calls himself a “genius” (1:37:10)

Shout out to Malik & Nelly in Dubai from “Dirty Bernie” Sanders (1:41:30)

Potentium – Episode 080

Potentium – Episode 080

Trump’s travel ban shot down again (3:00)

Trump sued by DC & Maryland AG’s as well as 200 Dems (12:05)

Jeff Sessions’ testimony (16:10)

Trump under investigation for obstruction of justice (57:15)

Washington D.C. shooting (1:02:45)

interview with writer/poet Corey Messick (1:09:25) 

YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6ho6JwGbeznFfHuzq7Dsdg

Potentium – Episode 072

Potentium – Episode 072

Blackhawks swept out of NHL playoffs (5:10)

Steve Bannon vs. Jared Kushner (10:00)

Trump flip flops/Military actions (21:50)

Vampira reads to the children on Easter (38:50)

Alex Jones/custody hearing/Lawyer says he’s playing a character (57:00)

Bill O’Reilly fired from fox “news” (1:18:40)

Sarah Palin, Ted Nugent & Kid Rock visit the White House (1:33:35)