Potentium – Episode 039

Potentium – Episode 039

Unreleased George Carlin

Thomas Gibson (Hotch) fired from Criminal Minds

Star Wars: Rogue One/Vader…is…COMING!

The Olympics/Ryan Lochte/Niko Hines from The Daily Beast outs gay athletes all over the world for fun

Donald Trump – Extreme vetting/“regrets”/12 year old runs Trump district in Colorado/Giuliani on Hillary Clinton’s health/The black vote/Immigration/Katrina Pierson

Star Wars 4

Potentium – Episode 038

Potentium – Episode 038

My pre-show dry heaving

Jim furyk shoots a 58 at the Travelers tourney/John Saunders dies

The Olympics

Marine sues Marines for not being able to display Bible quotes in a shared work area

Muslim Flight Attendant sues airline for making her serve drinks

Marco Rubio wants to prevent abortions for women infected with the Zika virus

Donald Trump

Off next week…Going to see Pearl Jam at Wrigley field

See you on the 27th and thanks for listening!

Olympics - 2016 Rio

Potentium – Episode 037

Potentium – Episode 037

Dry heave/DNC special

The Bob & Katie Show

The Democratic National Convention

Bernie Sanders/DNC emails/Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Kazir Khan

Michelle Obama

Bill O’Reilly & how great the slaves had it

President Obama

Hillary Clinton

Donald Trump

DNC 16