Potentium – Episode 437 (6/27/24)

Potentium – Episode 437 (6/27/24)

Rip currents kill half a dozen Americans in a week

CA hiker rescued after ten days (9:25)

TX woman tries to drown Muslim children in community pool (16:20)

ISIS migrants cross border & are released into the population (22:55)

Julian Assange released (28:40)

Alex Jones loses Infowars (33:50) 

Presidential debate – Pre & post analysis (36:30)

Brats/House of the Dragon/Under Paris (1:06:30)

No show next week folks. Have a happy & safe 4th of July & thanks for listening!

Potentium – Episode 264 (2/11/21)

Potentium – Episode 264 (2/11/21)

Larry Flynt dies

FL local water supply system hack (3:45)

UT HS offers parents to opt their kids out of black history content (7:30)

Prosecutors seek to amend Kyle Rittenhouse’s terms of release (19:50)

Fox “news” sued for 2.7 billion by Smartmatic/Brianna Keilar on Sean Hannity & conspiracy theories (26:10)

Marjorie Taylor Greene has “seen the light” (52:20)

Bill Maher – QAnon was a faith based initiative (1:02:00)

Impeachment II (1:09:25)

Biden – Stimulus/First foreign policy speech (1:30:55)

Tom Brady is an alien

Potentium – Episode 240 (8/20/20)

Potentium – Episode 240 (8/20/20)

CA’s 9th Circuit Court of Appeals overturns high capacity mag ban

Coronavirus – Anderson Cooper & the moronic “My Pillow Guy” (6:45)

VA Mayor says Biden picked “Aunt Jemimah” as running mate/“The Truth is the Truth” responds (13:05)

Trump – Senate Intelligence Committee report on Russia/Attacks Harris/Another birther conspiracy/New Zealand’s “surge” in Covid cases/Post office shenanigans/Former DHS Chief of Staff Miles Taylor/Post office reversal/Wants a “redo” of 1st term/QAnon/Lying to the public/Lyndon Johnson ad from ’64 (19:00)

Michelle & Barack Obama’s speeches at the DNC (1:06:30)

Breaking – Steve Bannon arrested (1:34:00)

Potentium – Episode 235 (7/16/20)

Potentium – Episode 235 (7/16/20)

Redskins finally drop name/SCOTUS rules parts of Oklahoma are Indian territory

Racism – NH conservative radio host Dianna Ploss fired/Tucker Carlson’s head writer Blake Neff fired/Pee Wee responds (15:45)

Coronavirus – Cases & deaths spiking/EU vs. US/WH smearing Dr. Fauci/WH cuts CDC out of virus data loop/Re-Opening the schools/OH County Sheriff says he’s not the “mask police” (32:50)

Jeff Sessions loses AL senate runoff (1:06:30)

Trump – Commutes Roger Stone’s sentence/Misleading says more white people killed by police/Defending the Confederate flag/Threatens to cut funding from Universities because of “indoctrination” (1:09:10)

Kelly Preston dies (1:21:00)

Potentium – Episode 215 (2/27/20)

Potentium – Episode 215 (2/27/20)

It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia

Flat Earther “Mad” Mike Hughes dies in homemade rocket crash (4:45)

CA man arrested for blinding CHP pilot with laser (8:35)

Amazon Go & employee free stores (12:15)

Columbus Zoo births two cheetahs through IVF (17:55)

The Coronavirus (22:10)

Evangelical website “Charisma” says Pete Buttigieg is deserving of death for being gay/MT Congressman says US Constitution calls for Socialists to be shot (30:15)

Bernie’s Castro comments/Democratic debate highlights (34:15)

Clint Eastwood endorses Bloomberg (51:50)

Trump – Roger Stone sentenced/Russia, Maguire & Grenell/SCOTUS Justices Ginsburg & Sotomayor/Trump sues the New York Times for an OPINION piece (54:10)

Criminal Minds series finale/Better Call Saul/Fargo (1:10:55)

Potentium – Episode 201 (11/21/19)

Potentium – Episode 201 (11/21/19)

13 year old, barefoot & shackled, escapes NC jail

911 fails (7:30)

MO Officer awarded $19 million in discrimination case (14:40)

Roger Stone found guilty of lying to Congress & witness tampering (17:25)

Impeachment – Yovanovitch, Vindman, Williams, Volker, Morrison, Hill, Sondland & Holmes testify (28:40)

Bill Maher – Prickstarter (1:12:05)

Ricky, from Degeneration Radio (for now) gives us kind words (1:20:25)

Potentium – Episode 175 (5/24/19)

Potentium – Episode 175 (5/24/19)

All in the Family/The Jeffersons live remake

Game of Thrones finale (18:35)

Great white shark spotted off the Long Island Sound for the first time (28:05)

High school Hope Squads (32:35)

RV chase & F-16 crash in California (40:55)

Anarchist Julian Assange faces more charges (52:50)

Trump – Iran/Joe Biden, Pete Buttigieg/Congressional subpoenas/Justin Amash/Nancy pelosi/Infrastructure/Trump again floats the idea of staying past two terms/Trump on abortion and being pro choice (57:40)

Bill Maher – The sexual repression of Catholics (1:36:05)

Tool – “Invincible”

Potentium – Episode 169 (4/13/19)

Potentium – Episode 169 (4/13/19)

Baseball/Cubs & Sox

CA hikers found after five days (5:20)

Louisiana church burnings (12:05)

Anti-abortion push – Ohio/Texas (20:30)

Rat-faced, anarchist Julian Assange finally arrested (32:15)

Benjamin Netanyahu (42:00)

 Ilhan Omar’s comments about 9-11 (54:45)

Trump – William Barr/DHS & the border/Fact checking by Shepard Smith/Judge Maryanne Trump Barry/Sanctuary cities (1:02:35)

Bill Maher – Trump & Cyrus (1:37:35)

The Masters

Potentium – Episode 167 (3/30/19)

Potentium – Episode 167 (3/30/19)

Siegfried & Roy trainer speaks (5:45)

Trump cultist Anthony Stephens supposed to call into the show

Mom chokes on a nacho chip & I give her the Heimlich during the show (17:40)

Jussie Smollett charges dropped (28:30)

Suicides over Parkland & Sandy Hook/PTSD/Alex Jones (36:00)

Anthony Stephens wimps out

Purdue Pharma settles lawsuits (54:00)

Police take child with high fever from parents/Rockland County NY bans all unvaccinated kids from public spaces (1:02:05)

Mo Brooks (R-AL) compares Democrats to Nazis (1:13:30)

Trump – Mueller Report/William Barr/Adam Schiff/Obamacare/Special Olympics (1:18:20)

Kurt Cobain – 2/20/67 – 4/5/94

Potentium – Episode 163 (3/2/19)

Potentium – Episode 163 (3/2/19)

The Oscars

Parents who don’t take financial responsibility for their children after a divorce (15:00)

Cardinal George Pell charged with sexual assault on minors (21:30)

Racism – First Lady Pam Northam (VA)/Lunatic, cheesehead at the Blue Egg Restaurant in Milwaukee, WI/Rep. Eric Porterfield (WV) (26:30)

India vs. Pakistan (55:40)

Trump – Trade Chief Robert Lighthizer cuts off Trump’s stupidity at the pass in front of Chinese delegation/Michael Cohen testifies before Congress/N. Korean “summit”/Otto Warmbier (1:01:50)