Potentium – Episode 434 (6/6/24)

Potentium – Episode 434 (6/6/24)

LA magnet fisherman find a gun & a human skull attached to dumbbell

WA Hellcat nuisance (8:55) 

Envigo/RMS fined $35 million for animal abuse (15:25)

2000 Mules distributor pulls distribution after lawsuit (22:25)

Alex Jones meltdown (28:10)

DR. Fauci’s smear hearing (31:05)

Trump – Judge Cannon to the rescue again/GA case put on hold again/Planned retribution/Presidential candidates under indictment or charged with a felony (45:45)

Biden – Takes executive action on the border (1:02:05)

WNBA thugs bite the hand that is trying to feed them (1:10:35)

Godzilla Minus One/Star Wars – The Acolyte (1:12:10)

The Beach Boys documentary (1:16:25)

Potentium – Episode 212 (2/6/20)

Potentium – Episode 212 (2/6/20)

The Creeper Bill

Racism – MI man yells, “Why didn’t you stay in Mexico?” After parent describes his child’s experience with school racism (12:35)

Another Damaged Goods “comeback” (19:40)

Iowa Caucuses (54:30)

Trump – Impeachment/Mitt Romney/Fact checking the State of the Union/(1:00:45)

Rush Limbaugh gets the Medal of Freedom…And lung cancer (1:32:50)

Super Bowl/Oscars (1:36:15)

Potentium – Episode 201 (11/21/19)

Potentium – Episode 201 (11/21/19)

13 year old, barefoot & shackled, escapes NC jail

911 fails (7:30)

MO Officer awarded $19 million in discrimination case (14:40)

Roger Stone found guilty of lying to Congress & witness tampering (17:25)

Impeachment – Yovanovitch, Vindman, Williams, Volker, Morrison, Hill, Sondland & Holmes testify (28:40)

Bill Maher – Prickstarter (1:12:05)

Ricky, from Degeneration Radio (for now) gives us kind words (1:20:25)

Potentium – Episode 131 (7/14/18)

Potentium – Episode 131 (7/14/18)

Kids in the cave all rescued (3:40)

Georgia cops flip a virtual coin to determine an arrest (12:30)

More racist incidents – Park/Pool/92 year old man/Papa John (17:55)

Mitch McConnell heckled (41:15)

Brett Kavanaugh nominated for the Supreme Court (46:10)

Trumpanzees & the Space Force/Cultist mother and daughter make a song about Trump (53:25)

Trump pardons the Hammonds (1:03:05)

Peter Strzok hearing/Rep. Luis Gutiérrez (IL) (1:08:55)

Trump attacks NATO, Germany, England & everyone else/European protests  (1:27:35)

Rod Rosenstein announces indictments against a dozen Russians for election interference (1:36:35)

Potentium – Episode 125 (6/2/18)

Potentium – Episode 125 (6/2/18)

Rednecks vs. Southern people

Redneck Televangelist Jesse Duplantis says “god” wants him to have another plane (5:45)

Redneck Diane Black (TN) says school shootings are because of porn (11:55)

SCOTUS refuses to hear redneck Arkansas abortion law arguments (18:25)

Roseanne, Samantha Bee & Ted Nugent (22:20)

“Ted & Roseanne” call in (1:17:50)

Trump – Separating families at the border/1500 immigrant kids unaccounted for/“Spygate”/Tariifs/Ivanka’s Chinese trademarks/Celebrity Apprentice pardons (1:29:30)

Teenager gets Weezer to cover Toto’s “Africa” (1:56:40)