Potentium – Episode 440 (7/25/24)

Potentium – Episode 440 (7/25/24)

Sonya Massey shooting in Springfield, IL

Elon Musk says his trans son is “dead” because of the “woke mind virus”/Denies donating $45 million a month to Trump (11:40)

J.D. Vance talks about “childless Democrats” (23:35)

Biden drops out of the Presidential Race/Kamala Harris at the top of the ticket/Trump’s response/Swing state voters react/Harris in Milwaukee/GOP’s lame attacks (30:05)

Celine Dion to perform at the Paris Olympics (1:06:55)

Potentium – Episode 394 (8/24/23)

Potentium – Episode 394 (8/24/23)

Orca Lolita dies in Miami “Seaquarium”

United pilot wields ax in airport parking lot (10:30)

Maui emergency Chief resigns (14:35)

School bus driver shortage nationwide (21:35)

CA pride flag murder (26:35)

MS Fed Ex shooting declared a mistrial (32:30)

Proud Boy now a fugitive from Jan. 6th justice (36:35)

Trump – Mar A Lago employee appears to have flipped/Trump cancels big press conference/Giuliani arrested/GOP debate/GA arrest & mugshot (39:15)

Sha’Carri Richardson wins 100M World Championship (1:16:20)

Potentium – Episode 349 (10/6/22)

Potentium – Episode 349 (10/6/22)

CA serial killer

Kanye West wears “White Lives Matter” shirt to fashion show (12:05)

Herschel Walker denies paying for abortion, then woman claims she’s had one of his children (16:35)

N. Korea launches nuke over Japan/In true Hitler fashion, Putin illegally annexes more of the Ukraine (29:20)

SCOTUS says Dominion suit against My Pillow Guy can proceed (37:25)

Trump – Judge says he won’t have to prove false FBI claims/Appeals to SCOTUS over Special master that he picked/Makes racist comment about Mitch McConnell’s wife and says he has a “Death wish”/Sues CNN for “defamation” (41:00)

Bears/Saints’ double doink/Bobby Wagner nails protester on the field/Tua Tagovailoa (1:01:20)

The Netflix Dahmer series & liberal censorship (1:09:10)

Loretta Lynn dies (1:13:15)

Potentium – Episode 221 (4/9/20)

Potentium – Episode 221 (4/9/20)

Guest co-hosts Ricky & Marie from Degeneration Radio



The Kennedy curse strikes again (13:05)

Jeff Sessions begging for Trump’s endorsement (21:50)

Bernie Sanders drops out of the Presidential race (28:55)

Coronavirus – Weekly update/NYC (34:55)

GA Governor re-opens beaches (46:55)

WI holds election after SCOTUS decision (53:05)

OH churchgoers protected by the “blood of Jesus” (57:40)

Kushner, Trump & the Federal stockpile (1:09:25)

Peter Navarro warned White House of virus threat in January/Trump fires IG overseeing funds for virus response (1:19:45)

Trump attacks reporter for asking about the dismantling of the Pandemic Response Team (1:24:10)

Navy Captain fired for voicing concerns over Coronavirus on his ship (1:29:35)

fox “news” montage of downplaying the virus (1:35:05)

Have a happy Easter folks & thanks for listening!

Potentium – Episode 199 (11/7/19)

Potentium – Episode 199 (11/7/19)

Co-Host – Andrew from Youngstown

Why Bianna is no longer on the show

Trump – Discrimination by “Religious freedom” toward LGBT parents wanting to adopt/Trump is now a Floridian/Impeachment witnesses testify to “quid pro quo”/Democratic election victories (1:01:35)

My ordeal at the end of, and after the Tool concert at the United Center in Chicago (1:30:50)

All Chicago sports teams suck

Potentium – Episode 163 (3/2/19)

Potentium – Episode 163 (3/2/19)

The Oscars

Parents who don’t take financial responsibility for their children after a divorce (15:00)

Cardinal George Pell charged with sexual assault on minors (21:30)

Racism – First Lady Pam Northam (VA)/Lunatic, cheesehead at the Blue Egg Restaurant in Milwaukee, WI/Rep. Eric Porterfield (WV) (26:30)

India vs. Pakistan (55:40)

Trump – Trade Chief Robert Lighthizer cuts off Trump’s stupidity at the pass in front of Chinese delegation/Michael Cohen testifies before Congress/N. Korean “summit”/Otto Warmbier (1:01:50)