Potentium – Episode 430 (5/9/24)

Potentium – Episode 430 (5/9/24)

Banned from the pool room for the final time after I punched the owner in the face

Protesters cause graduation cancellations (19:05)

Biden – Holds further weapon shipments to Israel (23:25)

RFK had a worm in his brain & had mercury poisoning (27:10)

Marjorie Trailer Greene embarrassed & scolded after motion to vacate Speaker Johnson (31:15)

Kristi Noem on Face the Nation (37:00)

Tim Scott refuses to say he’ll accept the 2024 election results (59:15)

Trump – Violates gag order again & threatened with jail/Stormy Daniels testifies/FL Judge indefinitely suspends docs trial (1:04:35)

Potentium – Episode 399 (9/28/23)

Potentium – Episode 399 (9/28/23)

Manhunts for escapees & accidentally released prisoners

Baton Rouge PD & it’s interrogation warehouse/Philly cop’s  murder charges dismissed/PA pig has ex-mistress committed under false pretenses/DE Trooper takes revenge on teen prankster (9:40)

Military pilot ejects from jet over SC (43:05)

Senator Bob Menendez indicted on bribery charges (47:05)

Ukraine aid & the dysfunctional House (52:20)

Trump & his “crime family” found guilty of fraud in NY (59:10)

2nd Republican debate/Impeachment inquiry (1:04:25)

Dianne Feinstein dies (1:16:45)

ND loses a heartbreaker to Ohio State/The putrid Bears embarrassed again…And in front of Taylor Swift too! (1:17:45)

Potentium – Episode 394 (8/24/23)

Potentium – Episode 394 (8/24/23)

Orca Lolita dies in Miami “Seaquarium”

United pilot wields ax in airport parking lot (10:30)

Maui emergency Chief resigns (14:35)

School bus driver shortage nationwide (21:35)

CA pride flag murder (26:35)

MS Fed Ex shooting declared a mistrial (32:30)

Proud Boy now a fugitive from Jan. 6th justice (36:35)

Trump – Mar A Lago employee appears to have flipped/Trump cancels big press conference/Giuliani arrested/GOP debate/GA arrest & mugshot (39:15)

Sha’Carri Richardson wins 100M World Championship (1:16:20)

Potentium – Episode 275 (4/29/21)

Potentium – Episode 275 (4/29/21)

Wedding “venue” crashers 

Doomed, disabled Submarine off Bali (9:15)

Sadistic CO cops break the arm of a 73 year old woman with dementia, then laugh about it with other cops (13:45)

Leprechaun Hamish O’Glubbish calls in (22:55)

AK State Senator banned from Alaska Airlines over mask idiocy/The never ending hypocrisy of fox “news” & Tucker Carlson (30:05)

DOJ raids Rudy Giuliani’s house (49:25)

Biden’s first address to Congress/Tim Scott (54:35)

Oscar winners (1:14:40)

Potentium – Episode 259 (1/7/21)

Potentium – Episode 259 (1/7/21)

A dark week in America

Congress overrides Trump’s veto on defense bill (5:50)

Trump tries to intimidate Georgia Sec. of State into “finding” votes for him & threatens him with a crime/Democrats win both Georgia runoffs & retake the Senate/Lin Wood (9:15)

Trump pressures Pence to “overturn” the election (16:20)

Congressman breaks down conspiracy theories (21:00)

Mitch McConnell & Chuck Schumer address the Senate before certification (35:20)

Louie Gohmert’s lawsuit thrown out & he mentions violence in the streets (1:01:25)

Trump’s cult attacks US Capitol after being told to go there & show “strength”/Ted Cruz (1:08:20)

Biden addresses attack on the Capitol/Congress reconvenes & certifies Biden’s win (1:27:30)

What America has come to

Potentium – Episode 230 (6/11/20)

Potentium – Episode 230 (6/11/20)

GA election chaos

Racism – Travis McMichael’s racial slur/Cyclist assaults young girl over Floyd flyers/WI gym has “I can’t breathe” workout/Confederate symbols of racism being removed/OH Senator Steve Huffman says “coloreds” get Covid because they don’t wash their hands enough/Hakeem Jeffries (8:45)

Interview with Florida rookie police officer (40:55)

Trump – Economy=equality/floats conspiracy theory about elderly Buffalo protester (1:17:40)

The NFL, Drew Brees & the hypocrisy of Laura Ingraham (1:29:10)

Potentium – Episode 156 (1/12/19)

Potentium – Episode 156 (1/12/19)

Comatose woman raped in “health care” facility

Jayme Closs found alive after 88 days kidnapped (7:00)

Racism – Living in your building while black…Again (14:30)

The idiot that is Steve King opens his mouth again (21:30)

Trump – Manafort/Cohen/Rosenstein/Syria/Shutdown/The wall/National Emergency/Address to the nation/fox “news”/Facts on immigration/Chris Cuomo (27:35)

Bears lose in a heartbreaker/Cody Parkey/Double doink (1:34:10)