Potentium – Episode 067

Potentium – Episode 067

Flying solo this week

Miami Attorney defending arsonist catches fire in court (1:30)

Michigan gun nuts walk into police station in masks, body armor and semi-automatic rifles (4:15)

Dallas redneck spews racial slurs about Mexican woman (13:00)

Response from White House about “wiretapping” (17:25)

Dr. Ben Carson’s ideology (39:40)

John Shimkus wants a la carte insurance (50:50)

Trumpcare (58:30)

Trump cuts – TSA, Coast Guard, FEMA, the environment, the military & the Mexican wall (1:06:05)

Trump fires 46 US Attorneys via the media (1:16:00)

Trump now says unemployment numbers are accurate (1:20:20)

Gerrymandering (1:23:50)

Potentium – Episode 064

Potentium – Episode 064

New medical marijuana dispensary (3:30)

My good samaritan/found wallet story (8:35)

The Grammys (12:15)


Stephen Miller (25:05)

Russian dossier on Trump gaining ground (32:40)

Kellyanne Conway/General Michael Flynn (37:50)

Trump’s press conference (50:15)

Harward turns down NSA position (1:21:00)

The difference between Democrats & Republicans (1:26:40)

Fox New’s Shepard Smith attacks Trump (1:33:05)

Congressional rollbacks/Animal welfare (1:43:45)

Mom speaks a half Sicilian/half English rant on Trump (1:53:10)

Bill Maher/Milo Yiannopoulos & Republicans (1:57:30)

Potentium – Episode 049

Potentium – Episode 049

The Cubs win the World Series!

Trump – Kicks black supporter out of rally (22:40)

Central Park Five (29:25)

“Jew-SA” & Kellyanne Conway (35:50)

Trump on the NFL, concussions, & the Redskins (45:15)

Jason Chaffetz & Benghazi (53:10)

Russian business ties (58:01)

Trump’s December hearing for raping a 13 year old girl (1:04:05)

Vampira Trump speaks again (1:11:20)

Praising the Clintons (1:31:05)

Joy Behar vs. Kellyanne Conway (1:34:10)

Final assault on Donald Trump (1:46:50)


Potentium – Episode 047

Potentium – Episode 047

Trump goes off on SNL on Twitter/Rigged election (3:30)

“Vampira” Trump speaks again (27:45)

Trump addresses his accusers (1:05:10)

Third Presidential Debate (1:06:55)

Trump post debate comments (2:45:00)

Trump supporter threatens Hillary Clinton with assassination (2:46:45)

Jon McCain says Republicans will block any SCOTUS nominee form Hillary Clinton (2:48:50)

Al Smith Dinner (2:51:10)

Alex Jones meltdown #2 (3:33:20)

Show dedicated to sick high school friend Scott Kurcz


Potentium – Episode 046

Potentium – Episode 046

2nd Presidential debate special

Debate highlights

Trump & sexual assault allegations


Potentium – Episode 044

Potentium – Episode 044

First Presidential debate special

Ted Cruz now supports Trump (1:45)

Debate highlights (8:25)

Trump’s reaction to the debate (135:22)

“Disgusting” former Miss Universe Alicia Machado (140:10)


Potentium – Episode 040

Potentium – Episode 040

Gene Wilder dies

The “genius” that is Kanye West

Football – Six Notre Dame players arrested/Colin Kaepernick

BLM shirts banned at Arizona school

Republicans reject veterans bill

Trump – Mexico & immigration/The black vote/Rudy Giuliani/Nationalism/Campaign Manager Kellyanne Conway says if women were “stronger” rape wouldn’t exist/TV ads

Gene Wilder - The Waco Kid (Blazing Saddles)

Potentium – Episode 038

Potentium – Episode 038

My pre-show dry heaving

Jim furyk shoots a 58 at the Travelers tourney/John Saunders dies

The Olympics

Marine sues Marines for not being able to display Bible quotes in a shared work area

Muslim Flight Attendant sues airline for making her serve drinks

Marco Rubio wants to prevent abortions for women infected with the Zika virus

Donald Trump

Off next week…Going to see Pearl Jam at Wrigley field

See you on the 27th and thanks for listening!

Olympics - 2016 Rio

Potentium – Episode 037

Potentium – Episode 037

Dry heave/DNC special

The Bob & Katie Show

The Democratic National Convention

Bernie Sanders/DNC emails/Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Kazir Khan

Michelle Obama

Bill O’Reilly & how great the slaves had it

President Obama

Hillary Clinton

Donald Trump

DNC 16

Potentium – Episode 026

Potentium – Episode 026

North Carolina in violation of Civil Rights Act of 1964

Alabama Chief Justice Judge Roy Moore suspended (again) for civil rights violations/homophobia

Wisconsin town to charge the parents of  bullies with fines

Donald Trump is the presumptive Republican nominee/Paul Ryan on Trump

Trump supporting tow truck driver leaves disabled woman on the side of the road because she was a Bernie Sanders supporter…Plus “the lord” told him to

Update on the wimp that is Luis J Gomez

Interview with career Army veteran 1st Sergeant Bianna Yeager

Army 1st Sargent Bianna Yeager