Potentium – Episode 462 (1/2/25)

Potentium – Episode 462 (1/2/25)

Sickening insurance company denials

NY inmate murdered by Correction Officers (14:40)

NYC man pushed in front of subway (20:25)

FL Pizza delivery driver returns to stab customer after small tip (29:15)

New Orleans & Las Vegas terrorist attacks (33:45)

Trump – Johnson, Musk & HB-1 Visas (50:15)

CFP/Notre Dame/Bears fans FINALLY chant, “Sell the Team!” On Thursday Night Football (55:00)

Greg Gumbel, Linda Lavin & Jimmy Carter die (59:25)

Thursday night edit: Notre Dame knocks off #2 Georgia! (1:15:55)

Potentium – Episode 067

Potentium – Episode 067

Flying solo this week

Miami Attorney defending arsonist catches fire in court (1:30)

Michigan gun nuts walk into police station in masks, body armor and semi-automatic rifles (4:15)

Dallas redneck spews racial slurs about Mexican woman (13:00)

Response from White House about “wiretapping” (17:25)

Dr. Ben Carson’s ideology (39:40)

John Shimkus wants a la carte insurance (50:50)

Trumpcare (58:30)

Trump cuts – TSA, Coast Guard, FEMA, the environment, the military & the Mexican wall (1:06:05)

Trump fires 46 US Attorneys via the media (1:16:00)

Trump now says unemployment numbers are accurate (1:20:20)

Gerrymandering (1:23:50)