Potentium – Episode 192 (9/19/19)

Potentium – Episode 192 (9/19/19)

Car & body from 1997 found in retention pond on Google Earth (3:45)

AA Mechanic who sabotaged plane was an admirer of ISIS (7:40)

Purdue Pharma files for bankruptcy (11:50)

Sandy Hook Promise PSA (15:50)

Climate change – Virginia’s Tangier Island is sinking (20:55)

Comedian Carlos Valencia calls in – Jokes by proxy/Columbian translations of tv show titles/The current climate in stand up/SNL & the Shane Gillis firing/Donald Trump (24:00)

Trump – Brett Kavanaugh/Corey Lewandowski “testifies”/Iran/The war on California (1:14:35)

Eddie Money & Ric Ocasek die (1:30:55)

Notre Dame/Bears/ Drew Brees/Ben Roethlisberger (1:35:35)

Check out Carlos’ podcast at… http://indecorouscomedy.com

And his website at… http://carlosvcomedy.com

Thanks for listening!

Potentium – Episode 179 (6/21/19)

Potentium – Episode 179 (6/21/19)

American deaths in the Dominican Republic (3:40)

NC shark attacks (7:55)

Chinese tourist stomps on sea turtle nest in Miami (12:55)

Bear euthanized because people kept feeding it to get selfies (16:20)

School district levies fines against parents of bullies (19:05)

People asleep at the wheel on highways by rigging Tesla auto pilot feature (24:20)

OJ has “a lotta getting even to do” (29:20)

Sandy Hook parents win lawsuit over conspiracy theorist’s book/Alex Jones & child porn (36:15)

Maniacal Phoenix pigs/72 cops pulled off duty in Philly (44:35)

Slavery reparations, Joe Biden’s comments & the explanation of systemic racism (58:45)

Trump – Iran/Health care/Polls & the firing of pollsters/Hope Hicks/The Central Park Five/Orlando rally (1:15:25)

Potentium – Episode 173 (5/10/19)

Potentium – Episode 173 (5/10/19)

Colorado STEM school shooting (4:40)

Winnie the Pooh” voiceover actor Jim Cummings accused of rape & animal abuse (18:45)

Rhode Island “Lunch shaming” (28:55)

Big Pharma prices/HHS/CEO John Kapoor indicted (33:40)

Republican C.D. Davidsmeyer wants to make Chicago it’s own state (43:35)

Ohio district map ruled unconstitutional/Gerrymandering (50:15)

Facebook bans extremists/Chris Hughes says Facebook should be broken up by the government (54:50)

Trump – N. Korea/Pardoning a murderer/Trump’s financial losses from ’85 to ’95/Mitch McConnell/Donald Trump Jr. subpoena/The hypocrisy of Tucker Carlson & Lindsey Graham/Shooting migrants is funny (1:06:20)

New Tool album to be released August 30th!!!!!

Potentium – Episode 167 (3/30/19)

Potentium – Episode 167 (3/30/19)

Siegfried & Roy trainer speaks (5:45)

Trump cultist Anthony Stephens supposed to call into the show

Mom chokes on a nacho chip & I give her the Heimlich during the show (17:40)

Jussie Smollett charges dropped (28:30)

Suicides over Parkland & Sandy Hook/PTSD/Alex Jones (36:00)

Anthony Stephens wimps out

Purdue Pharma settles lawsuits (54:00)

Police take child with high fever from parents/Rockland County NY bans all unvaccinated kids from public spaces (1:02:05)

Mo Brooks (R-AL) compares Democrats to Nazis (1:13:30)

Trump – Mueller Report/William Barr/Adam Schiff/Obamacare/Special Olympics (1:18:20)

Kurt Cobain – 2/20/67 – 4/5/94

Potentium – Episode 150 (12/1/18)

Potentium – Episode 150 (12/1/18)

Chinese doctor experiments in gene editing on babies (2:10)

Doctor burnout (10:45)

“Good guy with a gun” killed by police at Alabama mall shooting (16:30)

Man gets DUI while Tesla is on autopilot (19:55)

Maryland HS football “hazing” rape with a broomstick (25:25)

Brilliant Payless/Palessi prank (29:50)

Russia vs. Crimea (35:10)

Trump – Climate change/Border clash/Paul Manafort/Jerome Corsi/Michael Cohen/Farmers & tariffs (39:10)

George H.W. Bush dies (1:25:40)

Kareem Hunt released by the Chiefs for domestic violence/Bears/Notre Dame (1:42:55)

Potentium – Episode 149 (11/24/18)

Potentium – Episode 149 (11/24/18)

NC chicken pox outbreak/Vaccinations & religion

Religious nut job goes to island of natives to “convert” them to Christianity and hilarity ensues (6:00)

Racism – “Diner Diana” in Arizona prefers to sit next to whites in public (10:45)

Pfizer to raise prescription drug prices by 5% (14:30)

Elevator plunges 84 floors in Chicago’s Hancock Building (18:50)

CO “father” Chris Watts sentenced to life in prison for killing his family (22:08)

Moron Michael Avenatti arrested for domestic violence (30:55)

Laura Ingraham’s gay brother speaks about his fucked up sister (35:05)

Trump – Fake news media/Midterms/Admiral McRaven/Saudi Arabia/Mueller investigation/James Comey/Jerome Corsi/Trump is thankful for himself on Thanksgiving (40:45)

How the country “suffered” under President Obama (1:18:15)

Notre Dame/Bears

Potentium – Episode 142 (10/6/18)

Potentium – Episode 142 (10/6/18)

Chicago officer Jason Van Dyke convicted of 2nd degree murder (2:50)

Montana judge stops grizzly bear hunt (13:50)

Incidents involving Spanish/Taco Bell (16:25)

Texas school expels student for refusing to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance (31:45)

Trump – Kavanaugh/Central Park Five/FBI investigation/Senator “Elvis Imus McConnell” calls in/Trump family tax scheme/Unemployment (36:55)

Bears/Notre Dame/Cubs/Blackhawks


Potentium – Episode 130 (7/7/18)

Potentium – Episode 130 (7/7/18)

Kids in the cave in Thailand (7:05)

Florida tourist boat explodes (16:05)

New crime…Swimming while black (20:00)

Trump supporter Matt the firefighter calls in/N. Korea/Scott Pruitt (24:50)

Michael Cohen (1:19:30)

Trump mocks the “Me too” movement & Elizabeth Warren/”Pocahontas” (1:32:50)

Scotus (1:40:00)

Jim Morrison & Syd Barrett

Potentium – Episode 126 (6/9/18)

Potentium – Episode 126 (6/9/18)

Secretariat & his ASTONISHING win at the ’73 Belmont Stakes by an INCREDIBLE 31 lengths/The cruelty of horse racing

Idaho teacher feeds puppy to snapping turtle in front of Jr. HS students (7:40)

Indiana teacher refuses to call transgender students by their preferred names (15:20)

SCOTUS rules on gay wedding cake case (25:40)

Trump – The grifter that is Scott Pruitt (37:30)

Batboy Giuliani & Stormy (47:40)

The Philadelphia Eagles “disinvited” to the White House (55:30)

Paul Manafort & witness tampering (1:16:25)

Count Giuliani claims frame up by Mueller team (1:22:05)

Trump Jr. “dictation”/Pardons/Muhammad Ali (1:31:45)

The Trump Presidency = Howard Stern for Governor (1:35:55)

Bill Maher on conspiracy theories (1:46:45)

Anthony Bourdain commits suicide (1:56:00)

Potentium – Episode 125 (6/2/18)

Potentium – Episode 125 (6/2/18)

Rednecks vs. Southern people

Redneck Televangelist Jesse Duplantis says “god” wants him to have another plane (5:45)

Redneck Diane Black (TN) says school shootings are because of porn (11:55)

SCOTUS refuses to hear redneck Arkansas abortion law arguments (18:25)

Roseanne, Samantha Bee & Ted Nugent (22:20)

“Ted & Roseanne” call in (1:17:50)

Trump – Separating families at the border/1500 immigrant kids unaccounted for/“Spygate”/Tariifs/Ivanka’s Chinese trademarks/Celebrity Apprentice pardons (1:29:30)

Teenager gets Weezer to cover Toto’s “Africa” (1:56:40)