Potentium – Episode 250 (10/29/30)

Potentium – Episode 250 (10/29/30)

Borat nails Rudy Giuliani

Trump – Debate recap/Final week of campaigning/Covid spiking across the country (20:40)

60 Minutes interview with Lesley Stahl (47:00)

Bill Maher – Gus (1:26:05)

Vote like the country depended on it, because it does

Have a happy & safe Halloween folks & thanks for listening!

Potentium – Episode 246 (10/1/20)

Potentium – Episode 246 (10/1/20)

Little league baseball

(6:55) OH mom tazed at youth football game for refusing to wear a mask & trespassing

Joe Montana & wife Jennifer thwart kidnapping of their grandchild in their CA home (12:30)

Kyle Rittenhouse’s mother receives standing Ovation at WI GOP event (17:00)

Trump – Kim Jong Un played Trump like a fiddle/Says WH may override FDA safety standards for Covid vaccine/Peaceful transfer of power/Taxes (19:30)

Debate highlights and lowlights & the neverending stupidity of Laura Ingraham (45:10)

Bears/Notre Dame/Cubs

Potentium – Episode 235 (7/16/20)

Potentium – Episode 235 (7/16/20)

Redskins finally drop name/SCOTUS rules parts of Oklahoma are Indian territory

Racism – NH conservative radio host Dianna Ploss fired/Tucker Carlson’s head writer Blake Neff fired/Pee Wee responds (15:45)

Coronavirus – Cases & deaths spiking/EU vs. US/WH smearing Dr. Fauci/WH cuts CDC out of virus data loop/Re-Opening the schools/OH County Sheriff says he’s not the “mask police” (32:50)

Jeff Sessions loses AL senate runoff (1:06:30)

Trump – Commutes Roger Stone’s sentence/Misleading says more white people killed by police/Defending the Confederate flag/Threatens to cut funding from Universities because of “indoctrination” (1:09:10)

Kelly Preston dies (1:21:00)

Potentium – Episode 229 (6/4/20)

Potentium – Episode 229 (6/4/20)

Idiot Steve King loses Iowa primary

Rush Limbaugh says white supremacy and white privilege are a “liberal construct” (6:55)

Drew Brees’ comments (13:35)

Protests – Coronavirus, riots & looters/MLK on rioting (22:45)

Trump – Bunker bullshit/Call to Governors/J.B. Pritzker/Lori Lightfoot says FU/Church photo op/Mark Esper’s reversal/General Mattis/(47:55)

Derek Chauvin & fellow Minneapolis officers arrested/MN Police Union Lt. Bob Kroll Last October (1:14:45)

Obama/Biden’s speech in Philadelphia (1:21:05)

Potentium – Episode 224 (4/30/20)

Potentium – Episode 224 (4/30/20)

The Last Dance – Bulls talk about the dirty bastard “bad boys” of Detroit/Michael Jordan…The GOAT

Joe Biden’s sexual assault allegations (37:25)

Coronavirus – Health vs. economy/Gov. Pritzker & the Illinois quarantine (50:00)

Protests outside Gov. Whitmer’s house/Dumbfuck protesters around America/Gavin Newsome (103:30)

LA Pastor Tony Spell asks for stimulus checks (1:18:55)

Trump berates reporters again/“Disinfectants”/Sanctuary city politics surrounding aid (1:28:20)

Potentium – Episode 223 (4/23/20)

Potentium – Episode 223 (4/23/20)

Guest co-host Andy Newsham


Those two idiots at Damaged Goods reach a whole new level of stupidity (14:15)

Biden, Bernie & the Presidential race/Dirty Bernie calls in (51:50)

Coronavirus – Trump’s “guidelines” to re-open America/Dumbass protesters (1:05:35)

“Doctors” Drew, Oz & Phil all retract statements made on fox “news” who also go silent on Hydroxychloroquine after pushing it for weeks/Dr. Rick Bright fired for speaking up (1:26:45)

Potentium – Episode 221 (4/9/20)

Potentium – Episode 221 (4/9/20)

Guest co-hosts Ricky & Marie from Degeneration Radio



The Kennedy curse strikes again (13:05)

Jeff Sessions begging for Trump’s endorsement (21:50)

Bernie Sanders drops out of the Presidential race (28:55)

Coronavirus – Weekly update/NYC (34:55)

GA Governor re-opens beaches (46:55)

WI holds election after SCOTUS decision (53:05)

OH churchgoers protected by the “blood of Jesus” (57:40)

Kushner, Trump & the Federal stockpile (1:09:25)

Peter Navarro warned White House of virus threat in January/Trump fires IG overseeing funds for virus response (1:19:45)

Trump attacks reporter for asking about the dismantling of the Pandemic Response Team (1:24:10)

Navy Captain fired for voicing concerns over Coronavirus on his ship (1:29:35)

fox “news” montage of downplaying the virus (1:35:05)

Have a happy Easter folks & thanks for listening!

Potentium – Episode 216 (3/5/20)

Potentium – Episode 216 (3/5/20)

Marine Commandant bans all Confederate paraphernalia from Marine bases worldwide/You Tuber James Morehouse (4:20)

OK College Recruiter lines up students by complexion and “nappy” hair (15:30)

CA man who harassed Parkland shooting victims gets five years in prison (19:20)

LA DA’s husband pulls gun on BLM protesters on his front porch (23:20)

SC GOP proudly admits to meddling in Democratic primary (30:30)

Garth Brooks harassed online for wearing a Barry Sanders jersey (38:35)

Late night Bernie impressions/Democratic primaries & Super Tuesday (42:10)

“Dirty Bernie” calls in (55:00)

What is Democratic Socialism? (1:01:10)

Trump – Court rules Executive Branch officials don’t have to testify under Congressional subpoena/Trump Jr. says Democrats want millions to get the Coronavirus & die/Trump blames Obama for Coronavirus response (1:07:55)

Chuck Schumer’s idiotic comments regarding the Supreme Court (1:14:35)

Bill Maher – Death threats (1:21:40)

Thanks for listening!

Potentium – Episode 210 (1/23/20)

Potentium – Episode 210 (1/23/20)

CA man kills three teens with his car because of ding dong ditch  (4:30)

GA Death row inmate requests death by firing squad (10:30)

Virginia gun debate – Councilman wears AR-15 to City Council meeting/Nazis arrested/Gun rally/Laws (16:55)

Mrs. Florida busted for fraud (34:45)

Hillary Clinton (pot) says nobody likes Bernie Sanders (kettle)/Dirty Bernie calls in (40:45)

Martha McSally exemplifies the Republican Party under Trump (54:30)

Trump – Religion/Downplaying traumatic brain injuries/Impeachment – Ken Starr/Alan Dershowitz/Trial (58:15)

Astros caught cheating in ’17 World Series/Pete Rose/The complete idiot that is Antonio Brown (1:25:45)

Ozzy Osbourne has Parkinson’s Disease (1:36:35)

Potentium – Episode 209 (1/16/19)

Potentium – Episode 209 (1/16/19)

Co-Host – Devon Craft – Co-Owner of the BS Podcast Network & Co-Host of the Science Faction Podcast


Devon’s thoughts on the Trump Presidency

PA teen “hunters” charged with felonies after abusing wounded deer (16:45)

KY girl expelled from “christian” school for wearing a rainbow sweater (28:25)

Hillary Clinton cleared of Uranium One/Clinton Foundation charges by DOJ (39:45)

Elizabeth Warren vs. Bernie Sanders (48:00)

Trump –  Iranian imminent threat narrative/Russians hack Burisma/Impeachment/Giuliani, Marie Yovanovitch & Lev Parnas  (59:20)

Neil Peart dies (1:42:40)