Potentium – Episode 179 (6/21/19)

Potentium – Episode 179 (6/21/19)

American deaths in the Dominican Republic (3:40)

NC shark attacks (7:55)

Chinese tourist stomps on sea turtle nest in Miami (12:55)

Bear euthanized because people kept feeding it to get selfies (16:20)

School district levies fines against parents of bullies (19:05)

People asleep at the wheel on highways by rigging Tesla auto pilot feature (24:20)

OJ has “a lotta getting even to do” (29:20)

Sandy Hook parents win lawsuit over conspiracy theorist’s book/Alex Jones & child porn (36:15)

Maniacal Phoenix pigs/72 cops pulled off duty in Philly (44:35)

Slavery reparations, Joe Biden’s comments & the explanation of systemic racism (58:45)

Trump – Iran/Health care/Polls & the firing of pollsters/Hope Hicks/The Central Park Five/Orlando rally (1:15:25)

Potentium – Episode 177 (6/7/19)

Potentium – Episode 177 (6/7/19)

Illinois legalizes recreational marijuana! (3:55)

Jeopardy champion James Holzhauer loses in peculiar fashion(16:00)

Drama at the mental health center and the DMV (23:45)

Disturbing disposition from a KC cop on “Cops” (32:15)

Parkland Deputy arrested & charged (34:05)

Virginia Beach shooting/Andrew from Youngstown calls in (40:30)

State of New York bans cat declawing (1:05:00)

Trump – Kushner dodges birther question/Trump goes to England/Mexico & Tariffs/1.5 million acres of federal land to be opened up for hunting & fishing/The idiocy of Jon Voight (1:11:50)

Potentium – Episode 172 (5/3/19)

Potentium – Episode 172 (5/3/19)

Bus driver rapist gets no jail time thanks to Judge James P. McClusky (5:05)

Veteran terror plot foiled by the FBI (13:40)

California synagogue shooting (18:25)

UNCC shooting (24:35)

Seattle man shoots intruder while on with 911 (29:30)

Attempted coup in Venezuela (34:05)

Trump – The economy/Unemployment/Infrastructure (43:05)

William Barr testimony and lack thereof/Lindsey Graham’s Tweets & hypocrisy (49:30)

Listener email from Daniel regarding bi polar disorder & his son (1:35:10)

Tool – New Adam Jones riff (1:38:20)

All in the Family remake with Woody Harrelson, Marisa Tomei & Jamie Foxx (It’s gonna suck) (1:41:00)

Potentium – Episode 171 (4/26/19)

Potentium – Episode 171 (4/26/19)

Sri Lanka bombings

A.J. Freund’s body found ten minutes from my house (10:40)

Big Pharma CEO Larry Dowd arrested for opioid crisis (21:05)

“Militia” terrorists & leader arrested (25:55)

Kentucky BBQ owner mocks LGBTQ with bigoted t-shirts (37:55)

Bernie Sanders thinks inmates should be able to vote/”Dirty Bernie” calls in/Other people who should & shouldn’t be able to vote (46:25)

Steve King & Michelle Bachmann are batshit nuts (1:08:35)

Trump – The wet mop that is Jared Kushner/Subpoenas (1:14:50)

Joe Biden announces his run for the Presidency (1:25:20)

Bill Maher – Democratic Socialism (1:40:35)

Potentium – Episode 169 (4/13/19)

Potentium – Episode 169 (4/13/19)

Baseball/Cubs & Sox

CA hikers found after five days (5:20)

Louisiana church burnings (12:05)

Anti-abortion push – Ohio/Texas (20:30)

Rat-faced, anarchist Julian Assange finally arrested (32:15)

Benjamin Netanyahu (42:00)

 Ilhan Omar’s comments about 9-11 (54:45)

Trump – William Barr/DHS & the border/Fact checking by Shepard Smith/Judge Maryanne Trump Barry/Sanctuary cities (1:02:35)

Bill Maher – Trump & Cyrus (1:37:35)

The Masters

Potentium – Episode 165 (3/16/19)

Potentium – Episode 165 (3/16/19)

Another one of Ted Bundy’s victims remains found

Francesco “Franky Boy” Cali assassinated (20:30)

New Zealand terrorist attack by a white supremacist (31:25)

Jeanine Pirro, Tucker Carlson & Bubba the Love Sponge (1:14:45)

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Potentium – Episode 163 (3/2/19)

Potentium – Episode 163 (3/2/19)

The Oscars

Parents who don’t take financial responsibility for their children after a divorce (15:00)

Cardinal George Pell charged with sexual assault on minors (21:30)

Racism – First Lady Pam Northam (VA)/Lunatic, cheesehead at the Blue Egg Restaurant in Milwaukee, WI/Rep. Eric Porterfield (WV) (26:30)

India vs. Pakistan (55:40)

Trump – Trade Chief Robert Lighthizer cuts off Trump’s stupidity at the pass in front of Chinese delegation/Michael Cohen testifies before Congress/N. Korean “summit”/Otto Warmbier (1:01:50)

Potentium – Episode 160 (2/9/19)

Potentium – Episode 160 (2/9/19)

Jogger fights off mountain lion and kills it with his bare hands

The death of “Damaged Goods – The Show” (6:40)

Liam Neeson’s idiotic comments (53:25)

KS Judge says minors were “aggressors” in sexual assault case involving 67 year old man (57:05)

SCOTUS strikes down Louisiana abortion law (1:00:30)

Trump – Orange skin is “good genes”/Executive time/Inaugural committee under investigation/State of the Union Address (1:04:35)

Super Bowl/Brady & Belichick (1:52:15)

R.I.P. Matthew “Raving Rendal” Ulmen


Potentium – Episode 159 (2/2/19)

Potentium – Episode 159 (2/2/19)

Red Dead Redemption 2

Ricky Gervais on hunting (6:30)

Another Orca (Kayla) dies at Sea World (11:35)

St. Louis cops playing Russian roulette on duty (19:25)

Cops find tunnel leading to bank after sinkhole investigation (23:20)

Purdue Drugs lies about Oxycontin’s addictive effects, chastised addicts, then tries to profit off of their treatment (27:00)

Tom Brokaw’s assimilation comments (33:15)

Racist Detroit cops mock black woman & post it on Snapchat (44:15)

VA Governor Ralph Northam’s KKK photo (48:15)

WA measles outbreak/Anti-Vaxxers (53:15)

Texas passes “religious freedom” law to let Foster agencies discriminate against Jews, Muslims, gays, single parents and multi faith couples (56:00)

Suhey Sanders says “god” elected Trump (59:35)

Kentucky seeks to have Kim Davis pay legal fees (1:01:40)

Trump – Encourages Bible classes in public schools/Blasts & lies about intel team/The economy/Withdrawal from Russian nuclear treaty (1:04:10)

From the archives of The Fandick Show – Trump running in 2012/The Apprentice – May 2011 (1:14:10)

Bill Maher – The Economy (1:38:00)

Potentium – Episode 153 (12/22/18)

Potentium – Episode 153 (12/22/18)

WV transgender student bullied in bathroom by Asst. Principal/Trans student left out of emergency shelter during school drill

Racism – New crime…Cashing your paycheck while black (13:50)

CEO of Google explains why Trump’s pic appears on Google search of the word “idiot”/The Iowa idiot Steve King (20:55)

Ruth Bader Ginsburg beats cancer…again (28:30)

Tucker Carlson says immigrants make the US “dirtier” (32:05)

Trump –  Prison reform/Bump stocks/Trump Foundation dissolved/Syria/Government shutdown/Stock market/Mueller investigation summation to date/Whining is winning/Eric Trump/Roger Stone (37:25)

Penny Marshall dies (1:26:00)

Santa and his reindeer are assholes (1:31:30)

The Chicago Bears are now Kings of the NFC North! (1:34:15)

President Obama says Merry Christmas…Again and again (1:36:05)

Have a merry Christmas and thanks for listening folks!