Potentium – Episode 135 (8/11/18)

Potentium – Episode 135 (8/11/18)

Ghosts, spirits & the paranormal

CA “Holy Fire” (4:20)

Seattle suicide by plane (8:45)

Alex Jones “deplatformed”/“Tuck Buckford” (14:45)

KKK candy (36:25)

Laura Ingraham and her prejudiced comments (38:25)

Trump – LeBron James & Melania/Chain migration/Manafort & Gates/Trump Jr. & the Russians/Nunes tape/Mitch McConnell on smearing prosecutors/Media death threats/Trump praises the Clintons (47:20)

Bill Maher – The party of Putin (1:25:10)

Potentium – Episode 134 (8/4/18)

Potentium – Episode 134 (8/4/18)

California wildfires (3:00)

L.A. hostage shooting (8:50)

Aero Mexico plane crash (13:20)

Swedish royal jewels stolen (21:45)

More racism – Having lunch on your campus/Helping the homeless while black (26:00)

Who is America – Roy Moore and the pedophile detector (38:00)

Alex Jones/“Q Anon”/Seth Rich/Hannity/Shep Smith (44:20)

Trump – Shutdown/Mueller investigation/The evolution of Batboy Giuliani/Sessions/Ivanka/N. Korea/ID for groceries (1:15:05)

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (1:40:45)

Alan Alda has Parkinson’s disease (1:42:15)

Potentium – Episode 128 (6/23/18)

Potentium – Episode 128 (6/23/18)

Texas Hold ‘em/Red Dead Redemption – Undead Nightmare (Herbert Moon)

Black, unarmed teen shot in the back by East Pittsburgh police while running away  (21:25)

Trump – Immigration/The separation of families under HIS policy & HIS humanitarian crisis/US withdraws from UN Human Rights Council (33:30)

Roger Stone also “forgot” he met with Russians (1:34:45)

Pantera drummer Vinnie Paul dies at 54 (1:47:10)

Trump supporter “Wallace Leatherwood” (@Thomas Noble1776) was supposed to call in and debate, but pusses out

Summer of mashups

Potentium – Episode 126 (6/9/18)

Potentium – Episode 126 (6/9/18)

Secretariat & his ASTONISHING win at the ’73 Belmont Stakes by an INCREDIBLE 31 lengths/The cruelty of horse racing

Idaho teacher feeds puppy to snapping turtle in front of Jr. HS students (7:40)

Indiana teacher refuses to call transgender students by their preferred names (15:20)

SCOTUS rules on gay wedding cake case (25:40)

Trump – The grifter that is Scott Pruitt (37:30)

Batboy Giuliani & Stormy (47:40)

The Philadelphia Eagles “disinvited” to the White House (55:30)

Paul Manafort & witness tampering (1:16:25)

Count Giuliani claims frame up by Mueller team (1:22:05)

Trump Jr. “dictation”/Pardons/Muhammad Ali (1:31:45)

The Trump Presidency = Howard Stern for Governor (1:35:55)

Bill Maher on conspiracy theories (1:46:45)

Anthony Bourdain commits suicide (1:56:00)

Potentium – Episode 122 (5/12/18)

Potentium – Episode 122 (5/12/18)

Yale prejudiced student (3:45)

Chicago/LA technology combating violence (11:40)

Eric Schneidermann (19:00)

Iowa “Heartbeat Bill”/George Carlin on abortion (25:20)

The ignorant redneck that is Don Blankenship (40:45)

Trump – Vampira Trump & her “Be Best” campaign/Count Rudy Giuliani & his “facts”/Michael Cohen & pay for play/N. Korean detainees/Gina Haspel’s confirmation/Republicans viciously attack Jon McCain/General Kelly says immigrants can’t assimilate/Ted Cruz flops & endorses Trump for 2020/Iran deal/Israel (45:15)

Bill Maher on Roseanne (1:42:15)

Happy Mother’s Day to all of the moms out there!

Potentium – Episode 121 (5/5/18)

Potentium – Episode 121 (5/5/18)

Update on Archie (4:00)

Mt.  Kilueah erupts (5:40)

Brink’s truck spills $600,000 on Indiana highway (10:45)

Immigrant caravan from South/Central America (17:25)

Michelle Wolf/WHCD (38:50)

Trump – Dr. Harold Bornstein “raped”/Robert Mueller questions leaked/Michael Cohen/Count Rudy Giuliani/N. Korean detainees/James Comey firing reason #3/Paul Manafort & Judge TS Ellis/Neil Cavuto slams Trump (1:05:55)

Potentium – Episode 116 (3/31/18)

Potentium – Episode 116 (3/31/18)

“Fuck Tha Police” – Stephon Clark/Brandon Flood/Alton Sterling (5:00)

Woman in Texas sentenced to five years in prison for voting illegally (18:45)

Texas Wesleyan fanatical baseball coach/Roseanne Barr (24:15)

Mitch McConnell proposes hemp bill (33:45)

The idiot that is Laura Ingraham attacks Parkland students  (38:20)

Rick Santorum and CPR (49:10)

The Census (1:01:00)

Trump – Expels Russian diplomats/Fires David Shulkin/Stormy (1:04:20)

Alexander Laurin (podcasterscoach.com) and my submission to his book – “The Book on Podcasting” (1:17:15)

Bill Maher – “Thoughts & prayers”/Hollywood & Republicans (1:31:30)

Kurt Cobain – 2/20/67 – 4/5/94

Happy Easter!

Potentium – Episode 115 (3/24/18)

Potentium – Episode 115 (3/24/18)

Gun control protests (2:40)

The Last male Northern White Rhino “Sudan” dies (4:15)

Austin serial bomber (13:15)

fox “news” – Shepard Smith vs. Sean Hannity/Lt. Ralph Peters/N. Korea/O’Reilly sued again (27:05)

Hillary Clinton on the Trump electorate (47:25)

Trump – Congratulates Putin/Attorney John Dowd/Joe Digenova/The budget/John Bolton/”Vampira” speaks out about cyber bullying/Karen McDougal/Stormy (49:45)

From the archives of the Fandick Show – More Trump clips/red flags from May 2011 (1:26:05)

Potentium – Episode 110 (2/17/18)

Potentium – Episode 110 (2/17/18)

Florida school shooting (4:30)

CNN documentary “Trophy” on disgusting “sport hunters” (27:15)

Woman flushes “emotional support” hamster down the toilet before her flight (1:08:10)

Mother tries to “cure” her autistic child by having her drink bleach (1:14:40)

Trump – SNAP/Stormy Daniels/Karen McDougal/Russian indictments (1:19:45)

The Olympics (1:45:00)

Potentium – Episode 104 (12/30/17)

Potentium – Episode 104 (12/30/17)

Love/hate mail (3:20)

Roy Moore claims voter fraud (31:15)

“Unqualified” Judge Leonard Grasz given lifetime appointment (34:50)

Corey Lewandowski accused of sexual assault by Joy Villa (43:40)

Trump & the U.N. (55:20)

Wolf Blitzer vs. Senator Bob Corker (1:04:05)

The Mueller emails & investigation/Trump’s New York Times interview (1:12:15)

News year in review/Celebrity deaths of 2017 (1:28:15)

Notre Dame suspends three players (1:39:15)

Happy new year folks!