Potentium – Episode 111 (2/24/18)

Potentium – Episode 111 (2/24/18)

Co-Host Shawn Thorpe from blubrry.com  & hypernonsense.com

Fergie’s National Anthem (4:45)

“Opie & Jar Jar” open their moronic mouths about us again (10:45)

Trump – Guns/Russia/Gates pleads guilty (59:15)

The Olympics (1:40:00)

Potentium – Episode 110 (2/17/18)

Potentium – Episode 110 (2/17/18)

Florida school shooting (4:30)

CNN documentary “Trophy” on disgusting “sport hunters” (27:15)

Woman flushes “emotional support” hamster down the toilet before her flight (1:08:10)

Mother tries to “cure” her autistic child by having her drink bleach (1:14:40)

Trump – SNAP/Stormy Daniels/Karen McDougal/Russian indictments (1:19:45)

The Olympics (1:45:00)

Potentium – Episode 103 (12/16/17)

Potentium – Episode 103 (12/16/17)

Review of Star Wars: The Last Jedi *****SPOILERS***** (4:10)

NYC bombing attempt (16:55)

The sexual assault tour of America continues – Dustin Hoffman (23:30)

KY Republican Dan Johnson kills himself over sexual assault allegations (30:00)

Doug Jones defeats Roy Moore in Alabama Senatorial race (37:45)

GOP wants special counsel to investigate special counsel  (1:03:30)

Judge blocks Trump’s transgender military ban (1:12:40)

Trump vs. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (1:15:25)

Trump nominates COMPLETELY unqualified “judge” Matthew Spencer Peterson to the Federal District Court (1:32:55)

5th anniversary of the Sandy Hook shooting (1:40:25)

Merry Christmas everyone & thanks for listening!

Potentium – Episode 102 (12/9/17)

Potentium – Episode 102 (12/9/17)

California wildfires

Officer Michael Slager sentenced to 20 years for the murder of Walter Scott (4:00)

GOP passes bill to allow conceal/carry across state lines (7:30)

Alex Jones has to “retract” his caveman “vitamins” (10:45)

Russia banned from winter Olympics for doping (15:00)

Trump recognizes Jerusalem as Israeli capital (18:20)

Taxes/Trump’s financial records with Deutsche Bank seized (37:10)

Trump defends Flynn/GOP slams Mueller investigation/Donald Trump Jr. testifies/CNN’s Wikileaks retraction (49:10)

Trump & the RNC rally for Roy Moore/Steve Bannon/Al Franken & Trent Franks resign (1:00:05)

President Obama on net neutrality (1:23:35)

Interviewed by podcaster Alexander Laurin –



Jim Morrison’s birthday (I know, I fucked up and said it was the anniversary of his death, which is July 3rd)

Potentium – Episode 063

Potentium – Episode 063

The owner of a local pub takes issue with me on what I played on HIS jukebox (1:45)

Gun nut shoots diaper thief in Walmart parking lot (8:35)

Father gags changing daughter’s diaper (15:40)

Trump – Lies about the media & general facts/Kellyanne Conway  (21:20)

Nordstrom drops Ivanka’s brand/Kellyanne Conway gets into trouble (57:35)

Melania suing The Daily Mirror for $150,000,000 (1:07:50)

Melissa McCarthy as Sean “Spicey” Spicer on SNL (1:10:55)

“Spicey” on the Yemen attack (1:18:05)

Bernie Sanders calls Trump a fraud (1:21:30)

Bill Maher takes on Trump supporter at Town Hall (1:23:30)

Super Bowl interview with Bill O’Reilly (1:25:45)

Tweets for the week (1:43:05)

Super bowl/Patriots/Brady/Belichick & Kraft/Lady Gaga (1:47:25)

Potentium – Episode 062

Potentium – Episode 062

Canada mosque shooting (5:35)

Lesbianism listed as medical problem on patient’s chart in South Carolina (15:35)

GOP changes law & approves appointments without Democrats present (18:15)

Steve Bannon on NSC (21:30)

Trump fires AG for “betrayal” (29:50)

Travel ban (46:35)

Yemen attack (55:00)

Religious “freedom” order (59:15)

Iranian sanctions (1:04:45)

Cal Berkeley incident (105:45)

Russian sanctions (1:11:30)

National Prayer Breakfast & The Apprentice (1:13:10)

Kellyanne Conway & “The Bowling Green Massacre” (1:17:35)

Trump’s “beautiful” call with the PM of Australia (1:22:45)

Canadian Parliament speaks out against Trump (1:23:55)

The number of deaths per year caused by Islamic terrorists in the US (1:25:20)

Federal Judge in Washington halts Trump’s travel ban (1:26:20)

Poll finds 42% of Trump supporters say he should be able to have a private email server (1:28:30)

Trump Tweets for the week (1:29:30)

Brent Musburger retires/Super Bowl/Tom Brady (1:33:55)

Potentium – Episode 060

Potentium – Episode 060

My incident at the Rockford medical marijuana dispensary (2:25)

Ringling Brothers, Barnum & Bailey Circus to close (26:10)

Justin Trudeau handles the press like a true leader (32:35)

Trump responds to civil rights leader and Senator John Lewis (33:40)

Website displays Trump supporters who are regretting their vote via Tweets (38:05)

Ted Cruz introduces bill for term limits on Congressional members (47:20)

Trump Tweets for the week (48:50)

Mark Hamill as the Joker reading Trump’s tweets (52:55)

Chicago Cubs snub Trump and visit the White house before the inauguration (1:00:35)

President Trump’s inaugural speech (1:03:45)

Potentium – Episode 058

Potentium – Episode 058

Ft. Lauderdale airport shooting (3:50)

Brent Musberger backlash about Joe Mixon comments  (17:10)

Kim Burrell’s homophobic rant and backlash (24:30)

Four teens from Chicago kidnap & torture disabled teen from the suburbs (33:55)

Utah Senator says porno is a public health hazard (50:15)

GOP tries to scrap the Office of Congressional Ethics (57:45)

Chris Christie snubbed/Omarosa to be White House Liaison (106:45)

Trump now says USA to pay for Mexican wall on credit (1:09:25)

The Russian Hacking Crisis (1:13:40)

Trump & his Tweets (1:34:35)

William Christopher (Father Mulcahy) dies (1:39:40)

Potentium – Episode 057

Potentium – Episode 057

Coordinated mall “fights” across America (3:15)

A black girl calls me a racist on Facebook & says white people have no right to even talk about racism (8:05)

CBD (Cannabis oil) rescheduled as schedule 1 drug (18:00)

Jerry Lewis is a complete prick in a recent interview (25:35)

President Obama sanctions Russia for election interference (39:15)

Trump – Former Trump Aide Carl Palladino’s prejudiced comments about the Obamas (42:35)

Israel & David Friedman appointment (45:10)

Trump thanks himself in the third person & says “Happy New Year” on Twitter (52:40)

The Year in review (53:50)

Carrie Fisher, Debbie Reynolds & George Michael die (103:00)

Steve Martin gets backlash over Tweet (1:10:40)

Other celebrity deaths of 2016 (1:20:25)

Happy New Year folks! Thanks for listening!

Potentium – Episode 051

Potentium – Episode 051

Kennedy Assassination (1:45)

President Elect Trump – Rape case dropped (3:00)

60 Minutes interview with Lesley Stahl (3:55)

Trump “draining the swamp” with career politicians & alt right fanatics (48:50)

Sid Miller calls Hillary Clinton a cunt (1:02:00)

W. Virginia Rep. and Mayor gone after “ape in heels” comment regarding Michelle Obama (1:04:10)

Trump vs. African dictators (1:06:30)

Carl Higbie and internment camps (1:09:10)

Trump settles Trump U case for $25 million dollars (1:13:30)

Facebook, Twitter & Google crack down on alt right & fake news sites (1:17:25)

Bill Maher on the hypocrisy of Evangelicals (1:30:35)

Metallica makes  nice with technology (1:38:25)

U.S  President John F. Kennedy, 1963  (AP Photo)
U.S President John F. Kennedy, 1963 (AP Photo)