OH Judge known for “creative” sentences for animal abusers (6:00)
Democrats introduce federal marijuana bill (10:10)
QAnon speaker says Dems should be shot dead in the streets/Two DE women arrested for hate crime against Trump supporter/MN Boogaloo Bois arrested/MO right wingers arrested/PA assholes terrorize outdoor diners (16:35)
Daniel Prude dies in police custody after family called for help/Kirk Herbstreit (37:55)
UT Autistic teen shot by police after his mother called for help (50:00)
Trump – Ends critical race theory training for gov. employees/Trump boats sink in TX/“The great environmentalist”/DHS report on Russian election meddling/Tells people to vote twice/Whistleblower complaint/Military “suckers & losers”/Bob Woodward tapes (55:00)
Coronavirus spiking in half of the country (10:35)
Rayshard Brooks shooting (16:10)
Seattle CHAZ (28:50)
Boogaloo Boys/David Neiwert on left vs. right domestic terrorism (34:20)
Trump – Rolls back health care protections for transgenders/SCOTUS rules in favor of LGBT community in workplace discrimination case/Police “reform” bill/Claims Obama did nothing regarding criminal justice reform/North Korea/Tulsa rally/Demands CNN apologize for negative poll results/OAN takes down negative poll/Tries to stop release of John Bolton’s book (45:00)
5 Year old celebrated for stealing SUV & driving on the highway
Racism – McMichael rednecks charged with murder/911 call/NC officer’s Lynch mob at the wrong house (10:55)
William Barr orders DOJ to drop charges against Michael Flynn (32:45)
Trump – Mother’s day message/Morning Joe murder conspiracy theory/Kayleigh McEnany’s previous comments on Trump/SCOTUS & tax returns/Howard Stern says he hates Trump’s cult/Dr. Frank Yeomans on Trump & narcissism/(36:45)
Coronavirus – White House infections/More attacks on reporters/The smear campaign against Dr. Anthony Fauci (1:01:35)
Bill Maher – Immune systems (1:23:05)
Roy Horn, Jerry Stiller & Little Richard die (1:30:55)
Marine Commandant bans all Confederate paraphernalia from Marine bases worldwide/You Tuber James Morehouse (4:20)
OK College Recruiter lines up students by complexion and “nappy” hair (15:30)
CA man who harassed Parkland shooting victims gets five years in prison (19:20)
LA DA’s husband pulls gun on BLM protesters on his front porch (23:20)
SC GOP proudly admits to meddling in Democratic primary (30:30)
Garth Brooks harassed online for wearing a Barry Sanders jersey (38:35)
Late night Bernie impressions/Democratic primaries & Super Tuesday (42:10)
“Dirty Bernie” calls in (55:00)
What is Democratic Socialism? (1:01:10)
Trump – Court rules Executive Branch officials don’t have to testify under Congressional subpoena/Trump Jr. says Democrats want millions to get the Coronavirus & die/Trump blames Obama for Coronavirus response (1:07:55)
Chuck Schumer’s idiotic comments regarding the Supreme Court (1:14:35)
Parents who don’t take financial responsibility for their children after a divorce (15:00)
Cardinal George Pell charged with sexual assault on minors (21:30)
Racism – First Lady Pam Northam (VA)/Lunatic, cheesehead at the Blue Egg Restaurant in Milwaukee, WI/Rep. Eric Porterfield (WV) (26:30)
India vs. Pakistan (55:40)
Trump – Trade Chief Robert Lighthizer cuts off Trump’s stupidity at the pass in front of Chinese delegation/Michael Cohen testifies before Congress/N. Korean “summit”/Otto Warmbier (1:01:50)