Potentium – Episode 097 (11/4/17)

Potentium – Episode 097 (11/4/17)

More sexual harassment & assault fallout/Corey Feldman and whatever he’s about (2:40)

Al Green vs. Ben Carson (30:00)

General Kelly & the Civil War (40:50)

Russian indictments – PaulManafort/Mr. Papadopoulos (50:05)

NYC terror attack/Trump/fox “news” (1:10:30)

Donna Brazile/DNC/Hillary Clinton (1:31:25)

“Dirty Bernie” Sanders calls in (1:42:55)

Notre Dame ranked #3!!!!! (1:51:35)

Potentium – Episode 094

Potentium – Episode 094

Guest Co-Host – Comedian Carlos Valencia – http://carlosvcomedy.com

UK first date disaster – Toilets, shit and windows (10:15)

Las Vegas shooting (20:15)

Trump – The military/Jeff Sessions/Religious “freedom” (1:07:20)

Tom Price “resigns” (1:24:45)

Congressman Tim Murphy (PA) abortion scandal (1:31:00)

Smerconish on gerrymandering (1:36:40)

Fusion – The Two Americas (1:40:50)

Tom Petty dies (1:47:55)

Potentium – Episode 092

Potentium – Episode 092

Mexico earthquakes (2:55)

“Kid” Rock/Alex Jones & Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson (5:45)

STL cop acquitted of murdering unarmed black man/Riots (32:20)

St. Pete Mayoral candidate Paul Congemi tells blacks to “go back to Africa” (35:45)

Eight year old biracial boy lynched by teens in NH (38:25)

Trump calls for ESPN reporter Jemele Hill to be fired (43:15)

Trump asks NFL owners to “fire” protesting players (49:30)

Russia/Paul Manafort/Facebook (57:00)

Trump & “Vampira” speak to the United Nations (1:09:30)

Frank Vincent & Jake LaMotta die (1:26:25)

Potentium – Episode 084

Potentium – Episode 084

Martin Landau dies (3:15)

TC from the Damaged Goods podcast was supposed to call in (7:50)

Ann Coulter vs. Delta (9:05)

fox news’ “bombshell” of the “top secret” Comey notes (25:50)

Trump at the G20 Summit/ABC News Australia with bullseye commentary (30:55)

Trumpcare fails again (36:55)

Donald Trump Jr./Russia/Sessions/Watergate (43:55)

Trump – Mueller/Ty Cobb/Spicey resigns/Scaramucci (1:29:15)

Chester Bennington of Linkin Park dies (1:44:25)

Potentium – Episode 081

Potentium – Episode 081

Stephen Furst (Flounder from Animal House) dies (1:55)

TV’s Batman Adam West dies (4:40)

Otto Warmbier dies after a year in a N. Korean prison (11:40)

Megyn Kelly interviews Alex Jones (20:55)

White House press briefing stonewall (1:13:55)

Trumpcare/Bernie/Elizabeth Warren (1:19:20)

Trump Lawyer Jay Sekulow says Trump not under investigation (1:38:10)

The James Comey “tapes” (1:44:30)

Potentium – Episode 079

Potentium – Episode 079

Penn State officials finally jailed/Jerry Sandusky (2:15)

Ohio AG sues big pharma over opioid epidemic (6:10)

Bill Maher the “house nigga” (15:35)

Devin Nunes/Subpoenas/Reality Winner arrested (29:25)

London Bridge terrorist attack (39:15)

Megyn Kelly interviews Vladimir Putin (51:20)

James Comey testifies/Trump & his lawyer respond (1:03:45)

Tool at the Allstate Arena in the drunk & stoned 9th row (1:33:10)