Potentium – Episode 129 (6/30/18)

Potentium – Episode 129 (6/30/18)

Woman denied D&C prescription to end her “miscarriage in the womb” pregnancy by religious pharmacist (5:20)

Woman calls natural born Mexican/American citizen a “rapist” & “drug dealer” because Trump said so (17:20)

Trump – Immigration/SCOTUS/Chief Justice Anthony Kennedy retires (33:50)

Trump attacks Harley Davidson (1:33:10)

Capital Gazette shooting (1:40:05)

Joe Jackson dies/Michael Jackson (1:56:50)

Trumpanzee “Wallace Leatherwood” a.k.a. Thomas Noble (@thomasnoble1776) pusses out AGAIN, blocks me, then reports my Tweets from a week ago

Potentium – Episode 069

Potentium – Episode 069

Guest Co-host Ricky Harris from the Nickel & Dime Podcast


My call to the Nickel & Dime Podcast last week (5:15)

My Neighbor’s car/my alarm clock at 6am every morning (20:55)

Oklahoma State Representative George Faught says rape and incest is the “will of god” (26:30)

Tomi Lahren from The Blaze gets suspended for a week for saying she’s pro choice (32:45)

Trump supporter gets denied service at NYC bar (49:30)

Trump cuts funding for Meals on Wheels (58:00)

James Comey hearing (1:04:55)

Trumpcare bill pulled/Trump blames Democrats (1:19:45)

Arnold Schwarzenegger takes a swat at Trump’s approval rating (1:50:40)

The Tool concert ticket saga comes to a culmination (1:53:10)