Potentium – Episode 010

Potentium – Episode 010

The torture of going to the Dentist

Republican debate in a nutshell/Trump vs. Bush

Gun nuts stage a “mock mass shooting” at the University of Texas

Celebrity deaths of 2015

Interview with stand up comedian Jack Napier

Review of Star Wars – The Force Awakens (Spoilers)

Show retractions

Jack Napier 1

Potentium – Episode 009

Potentium – Episode 009

Our first pieces of hate mail from “Stacey M”, “JerryJerryBoisenberry” & “Jessster”

Trump calls for a ban on all Muslims entering the country

GOP & Muslim backlash & the absolute stupidity of the majority of  republican constituents

Star Wars – The Force Awakens

Does Edward have a girlfriend?

Trump Hitler

Potentium – Episode 008

Potentium – Episode 008

Terrorist attacks in the US/The way we die dictates the amount of fear or prejudice we have

San Bernadino, “muslim” terrorist attack/ Sayed Farook & the influence of wife Tashfeem Malik and radical Islamic terrorists/Ideology

Trump says all family members of terrorists should be targeted/Everyone hates Ted Cruz

Colorado “christian” terrorist attack/Robert Dear & the influence of republican politicians/news outlets and radical “christian” terrorists/Ideology

Trump’s “Muslim celebration” story completely debunked

Planned Parenthood statistics & the mindset that wants to defund it/Pro “life” & Gun laws

America will eventually become Israel/War(s) in the Middle East

R.I.P. Scott Weiland

America - One nation, under the gun

Potentium – Episode 007

Potentium – Episode 007

Religious fanaticism/Syrian refugees/Blanket prejudice

Donald Trump & his comments regarding Muslims & mocking disabled Washington Post reporter

Chicago police officer Jason Van Dyke indicted for the murder of Laquan McDonald/Black Friday protests

Interview with actor Jeff Glover  (The Walking Dead, The Hunger Games, Goosebumps)

Jeff Glover 1

Potentium – Episode 006

Potentium – Episode 006

Paris attacked by ISIS

Starbucks, Trump & the idiocy of Josh Feuerstein

Utah, the Mormon church and their prejudice/Judge Scott Johansen orders Foster child away from lesbian couple

The “Presidential” Ben Carson

Medical Marijuana comes to Illinois

French flag

Potentium – Episode 002

Potentium – Episode 002

Summary of the first Democratic debate

Our dysfunctional Congress/Republicans

The “Presidential” Donald Trump/”Feel the Bern”/Mike Huckabee & Evangelicals

Religion in law/Examples of  Socialism in America

Ghosts, alien abductions & carnival barking psychics

Drunken soldier kidnaps wild raccoon, squeezes it to breathe into breathalyzer activated car, gets attacked before driving into a swimming pool

13 Ghosts - The Juggernaut