Potentium – Episode 125 (6/2/18)

Potentium – Episode 125 (6/2/18)

Rednecks vs. Southern people

Redneck Televangelist Jesse Duplantis says “god” wants him to have another plane (5:45)

Redneck Diane Black (TN) says school shootings are because of porn (11:55)

SCOTUS refuses to hear redneck Arkansas abortion law arguments (18:25)

Roseanne, Samantha Bee & Ted Nugent (22:20)

“Ted & Roseanne” call in (1:17:50)

Trump – Separating families at the border/1500 immigrant kids unaccounted for/“Spygate”/Tariifs/Ivanka’s Chinese trademarks/Celebrity Apprentice pardons (1:29:30)

Teenager gets Weezer to cover Toto’s “Africa” (1:56:40)

Potentium – Episode 119 (4/21/18)

Potentium – Episode 119 (4/21/18)

Starbucks racial incident (2:45)

Southwest Airlines accident (12:50)

Alex jones – Turning on Trump/Ex wife interview/Sued again by Sandy Hook parents/“Alex” calls in (26:30)

Trump – Comey interview/Nikki Haley pushes back/Hannity & Cohen/Tax returns/“John Barron” & “John Miller” (1:05:00)

R. Lee Ermey dies (1:51:10)

Potentium – Episode 118 (4/14/18)

Potentium – Episode 118 (4/14/18)

Tool in the studio!

Laura Ingraham returns to bitch after apologizing/Sean Hannity, his hypocrisy & Jimmy Kimmel/fox “news” (4:45)

Trump – Paul Ryan retiring/Michael Cohen raided/Syrian strikes/James Comey (50:30)

Interview with Brian Fanning and his album “Rudiments” (1:40:35)



Potentium – Episode 103 (12/16/17)

Potentium – Episode 103 (12/16/17)

Review of Star Wars: The Last Jedi *****SPOILERS***** (4:10)

NYC bombing attempt (16:55)

The sexual assault tour of America continues – Dustin Hoffman (23:30)

KY Republican Dan Johnson kills himself over sexual assault allegations (30:00)

Doug Jones defeats Roy Moore in Alabama Senatorial race (37:45)

GOP wants special counsel to investigate special counsel  (1:03:30)

Judge blocks Trump’s transgender military ban (1:12:40)

Trump vs. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (1:15:25)

Trump nominates COMPLETELY unqualified “judge” Matthew Spencer Peterson to the Federal District Court (1:32:55)

5th anniversary of the Sandy Hook shooting (1:40:25)

Merry Christmas everyone & thanks for listening!

Potentium – Episode 101 (12/2/17)

Potentium – Episode 101 (12/2/17)

The sexual assault tour of America continues – Russell Simmons/Blake Farenthold/Matt Lauer (3:45)

Croat General convicted of war crimes drinks poison in front of UN court (15:20)

Project Veritas/MagaPill/Trump’s anti-Muslim Tweets (20:35)

Schumer & Pelosi pull out of meeting with Trump (44:30)

“Pocahontas” (47:40)

North Korea now has a ballistic missile (1:02:55)

Rex Tillerson/Lindsey Graham vs. Lindsey Graham (1:09:05)

Michael Flynn pleads guilty to lying to the FBI (1:18:10)

Katie Steinle & sanctuary cities (1:30:45)