Potentium – Episode 030

Potentium – Episode 030

Ron Wood of the Rolling Stones has twin girls at 68

Harambe the gorilla shot and killed at Cincinnati zoo after child gets into enclosure

The Chewbacca Mom

“Deflecting Donald” – The fraud that is Trump U/NY AG Eric Schneidermann/Doral moves to Mexico/Hillary Clinton

Interview with listener Kirk who suffered from amnesia due to an epileptic seizure

“The Greatest” Muhammad Ali dies at 74

Muhammad Ali 3

Potentium – Episode 016

Potentium – Episode 016

Kentucky ultrasound law/Abortion laws in conservative states/California birth control law

Darlene McBride – “Take Back America Tour”

Donald Trump can say or do anything he wants/The latest GOP debate/Trump vs. Rubio/Trump WILL be President

The Oscars – Movie & TV reviews/The Hateful Eight and the N word

Kansas shooting spree – Nothing to see here…move along

The FBI vs. Apple
