Potentium – Episode 076

Potentium – Episode 076

Richard Spencer and his tiki torch led protest (2:15)

The Alex Jones apology tour continues (14:10)

Texas bill discriminates and is disguised as religious “freedom” (27:55)

Trump speaks at Liberty University (31:20)

Trump reveals classified info to the Russians (38:25)

Trump threatens James Comey (45:55)

Sally Yates interview with Anderson Cooper (59:50)

Special Prosecutor named for Trump/Russia ties (105:55)

James Comes to testify…Again (1:19:20)

WPIC AM 790 Youngstown, PA…Michael Savage/Yours truly vs. The Stefan Martin Show (1:25:55)

Chris Cornell dies (1:46:50)

Potentium – Episode 073

Potentium – Episode 073

The confusing Chicago Bears draft picks (2:40)

Breitbart gets it’s Congressional press credentials revoked (8:20)

Alex Jones sued by Chobani/Loses custody of his kids/Parental alienation syndrome (10:50)

Bill O’Reilly responds to his firing on his new podcast/Jesse Watters/fox “news” (35:25)

Alabama in all it’s glory – Gov. Robert Bentley/Judge Roy Moore/AG Jeff Sessions (53:10)

The wall/Government shutdown issues/ First 100 days (1:16:45)

General Michael Flynn under investigation (1:29:35)

Bill Maher – Republicans are dicks (1:41:05)

Potentium – Episode 072

Potentium – Episode 072

Blackhawks swept out of NHL playoffs (5:10)

Steve Bannon vs. Jared Kushner (10:00)

Trump flip flops/Military actions (21:50)

Vampira reads to the children on Easter (38:50)

Alex Jones/custody hearing/Lawyer says he’s playing a character (57:00)

Bill O’Reilly fired from fox “news” (1:18:40)

Sarah Palin, Ted Nugent & Kid Rock visit the White House (1:33:35)