Potentium – Episode 236 (7/23/20)

Potentium – Episode 236 (7/23/20)

My good deed for the day

AJ Freund’s mother sentenced to 35 years (8:25)

NJ Judge’s family shot by anti-feminist/Trump campaign volunteer (14:05)

Fox “news” – Ed Henry accused of rape/Tucker Carlson & Sean Hannity accused of sexual harassment (17:40)

Twitter bans QAnon accounts/Sebastian Gorka (24:50)

Roger Stone calls Mo Kelly a “negro” on the air (31:00)

Coronavirus – Cases & deaths continue to spike/GA Gov. Kemp orders anti-mask mandate/Retailers impose their own policies/Trump’s week of flip-flopping/Wishes Ghislaine Maxwell “well”/85 babies infected by Covid in Texas town (33:50)

Trump – Mary Trump/Tries to get UK Ambassador to get British open at his golf course in Scotland/Chris Wallace interview/Daniel Dale fact check (1:02:55)

John Lewis dies (1:25:20)

Potentium – Episode 196 (10/17/19)

Potentium – Episode 196 (10/17/19)

TX police officer charged with murder for “welfare check” shooting (3:30)

Racism – PA teacher hurls the N word at black man after febder bender (7:40)

GSU book burning (15:55)

WI jury awards Sandy Hook parent $450,000 against conspiracy theorist James Fetzer (20:20)

Trump cultist Emily Travis supposedly calling in (23:30)

Cuba Gooding Jr. accused of more sexual assaults (27:15)

UK children, meditation & mental health (30:40)

Serial stowaway Marilyn Hartman arrested again (36:20)

Trump cultist Emily Travis wimps out (39:05)

Trump – Marie Yovanovitch/Count Giuliani/Impeachment inquiry/Fiona Hill/Hunter Biden/Trump nepotism/The Kurds, Turkey & Syria/Meeting meltdown/Gordon Sondland/Reality show antics with Harry Dunn’s parents/Trump shooting massacre video/G7 & Doral/Mick Mulvaney & “quid pro quo” (46:15)

Shepard Smith leaves fox “news” (1:32:40)

Elijah Cummings dies (1:37:50)

Robert Forster dies (1:39:45)

Four year anniversary…Thanks for listening!

Potentium – Episode 189 (8/29/19)

Potentium – Episode 189 (8/29/19)

Getting over a wicked flu/Quitting daytime drinking

Amazon Rain Forest fires (8:00)

Marysville, Michigan Town Council candidate Jean Cramer wants to keep the town white (13:50)

Blockhead Hannity attacks Bill Maher for David Koch comments (25:30)

Alien Ruth Bader Ginsburg beats pancreatic cancer…AGAIN! (31:50)

Trump – Background checks/Impending recession/China & “the chosen one”/“Disloyal” Jews/Buying Greenland/G7 Summit/North Korea constructing nuclear sub/Hurricane Dorian/Puerto Rico/Children born to some service members abroad will not automatically be US citizens/William Barr’s big party at Trump International, Washington D.C. (36:15)

Kayleigh Mceneny tells Chris Cuomo that Trump NEVER lies (1:21:00)

Football – Bears/Notre Dame/Andrew Luck retires/Classless Colts fans/Doug Gottlieb’s stupid comments (1:30:55)

Potentium – Episode 030

Potentium – Episode 030

Ron Wood of the Rolling Stones has twin girls at 68

Harambe the gorilla shot and killed at Cincinnati zoo after child gets into enclosure

The Chewbacca Mom

“Deflecting Donald” – The fraud that is Trump U/NY AG Eric Schneidermann/Doral moves to Mexico/Hillary Clinton

Interview with listener Kirk who suffered from amnesia due to an epileptic seizure

“The Greatest” Muhammad Ali dies at 74

Muhammad Ali 3