Potentium – Episode 097 (11/4/17)

Potentium – Episode 097 (11/4/17)

More sexual harassment & assault fallout/Corey Feldman and whatever he’s about (2:40)

Al Green vs. Ben Carson (30:00)

General Kelly & the Civil War (40:50)

Russian indictments – PaulManafort/Mr. Papadopoulos (50:05)

NYC terror attack/Trump/fox “news” (1:10:30)

Donna Brazile/DNC/Hillary Clinton (1:31:25)

“Dirty Bernie” Sanders calls in (1:42:55)

Notre Dame ranked #3!!!!! (1:51:35)

Potentium – Episode 037

Potentium – Episode 037

Dry heave/DNC special

The Bob & Katie Show

The Democratic National Convention

Bernie Sanders/DNC emails/Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Kazir Khan

Michelle Obama

Bill O’Reilly & how great the slaves had it

President Obama

Hillary Clinton

Donald Trump

DNC 16