Potentium – Episode 167 (3/30/19)

Potentium – Episode 167 (3/30/19)

Siegfried & Roy trainer speaks (5:45)

Trump cultist Anthony Stephens supposed to call into the show

Mom chokes on a nacho chip & I give her the Heimlich during the show (17:40)

Jussie Smollett charges dropped (28:30)

Suicides over Parkland & Sandy Hook/PTSD/Alex Jones (36:00)

Anthony Stephens wimps out

Purdue Pharma settles lawsuits (54:00)

Police take child with high fever from parents/Rockland County NY bans all unvaccinated kids from public spaces (1:02:05)

Mo Brooks (R-AL) compares Democrats to Nazis (1:13:30)

Trump – Mueller Report/William Barr/Adam Schiff/Obamacare/Special Olympics (1:18:20)

Kurt Cobain – 2/20/67 – 4/5/94

Potentium – Episode 001

Potentium – Episode 001

The gun problem in America/statistics

The idiocy of Ben Carson

Smart gun technology & conceal/carry issues

Sea World, animal cruelty, circuses, zoos & hunters

Politics in general, radicalism and polarization
