Potentium – Episode 039

Potentium – Episode 039

Unreleased George Carlin

Thomas Gibson (Hotch) fired from Criminal Minds

Star Wars: Rogue One/Vader…is…COMING!

The Olympics/Ryan Lochte/Niko Hines from The Daily Beast outs gay athletes all over the world for fun

Donald Trump – Extreme vetting/“regrets”/12 year old runs Trump district in Colorado/Giuliani on Hillary Clinton’s health/The black vote/Immigration/Katrina Pierson

Star Wars 4

Potentium – Episode 037

Potentium – Episode 037

Dry heave/DNC special

The Bob & Katie Show

The Democratic National Convention

Bernie Sanders/DNC emails/Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Kazir Khan

Michelle Obama

Bill O’Reilly & how great the slaves had it

President Obama

Hillary Clinton

Donald Trump

DNC 16

Potentium – Episode 034

Potentium – Episode 034

Louisiana, Minnesota & Dallas shootings

Americans & their knowledge of Independence Day (San Diego)

Big Supreme Court decisions from the past two weeks

Hillary Clinton/Benghazi/Emails

Trump – Sarah Palin schooled by ten year old regarding Trump/Trump’s “kind of” anti-semitic tweet/Trump praises Saddam Hussein

Former Rep. Joe Walsh threatens the President/Who is actually “divisive?”


Potentium – Episode 032

Potentium – Episode 032

Orlando shooting/President Obama, Hillary Clinton & Trump react/Trump accuses Obama of complicity & basks in “congratulations” in wake of the shooting

Sacramento Pastor Roger Jimenez celebrates the shootings

Alligator kills boy swimming at Disney resort

Stupid ass Blake J Ziebell drives 40 minutes to my house, with THREE other guys, to fight me over words on the internet…It didn’t work out too well for him… https://youtu.be/qTJwKiglVOA?t=1

Blake 3

Potentium – Episode 031

Potentium – Episode 031

Stanford rapist Brock Turner gets 6 months (90 days) after being convicted of THREE FELONIES for sexual assault

President Obama and Senator Elizabeth Warren endorse Hillary Clinton/Bernie Sanders and a faction of his supporters

Trump – More on Judge Curiel/David Duke blames the Mexicans AND the Jews for attacks on Trump/Mitch McConnell won’t call Trump a racist

Vote for my nephew’s song production at indabamusic.com

The Lost Angeles – Coulda Been Something

Stanford heroes

Potentium – Episode 026

Potentium – Episode 026

North Carolina in violation of Civil Rights Act of 1964

Alabama Chief Justice Judge Roy Moore suspended (again) for civil rights violations/homophobia

Wisconsin town to charge the parents of  bullies with fines

Donald Trump is the presumptive Republican nominee/Paul Ryan on Trump

Trump supporting tow truck driver leaves disabled woman on the side of the road because she was a Bernie Sanders supporter…Plus “the lord” told him to

Update on the wimp that is Luis J Gomez

Interview with career Army veteran 1st Sergeant Bianna Yeager

Army 1st Sargent Bianna Yeager