Potentium – Episode 126 (6/9/18)

Potentium – Episode 126 (6/9/18)

Secretariat & his ASTONISHING win at the ’73 Belmont Stakes by an INCREDIBLE 31 lengths/The cruelty of horse racing

Idaho teacher feeds puppy to snapping turtle in front of Jr. HS students (7:40)

Indiana teacher refuses to call transgender students by their preferred names (15:20)

SCOTUS rules on gay wedding cake case (25:40)

Trump – The grifter that is Scott Pruitt (37:30)

Batboy Giuliani & Stormy (47:40)

The Philadelphia Eagles “disinvited” to the White House (55:30)

Paul Manafort & witness tampering (1:16:25)

Count Giuliani claims frame up by Mueller team (1:22:05)

Trump Jr. “dictation”/Pardons/Muhammad Ali (1:31:45)

The Trump Presidency = Howard Stern for Governor (1:35:55)

Bill Maher on conspiracy theories (1:46:45)

Anthony Bourdain commits suicide (1:56:00)

Potentium – Episode 125 (6/2/18)

Potentium – Episode 125 (6/2/18)

Rednecks vs. Southern people

Redneck Televangelist Jesse Duplantis says “god” wants him to have another plane (5:45)

Redneck Diane Black (TN) says school shootings are because of porn (11:55)

SCOTUS refuses to hear redneck Arkansas abortion law arguments (18:25)

Roseanne, Samantha Bee & Ted Nugent (22:20)

“Ted & Roseanne” call in (1:17:50)

Trump – Separating families at the border/1500 immigrant kids unaccounted for/“Spygate”/Tariifs/Ivanka’s Chinese trademarks/Celebrity Apprentice pardons (1:29:30)

Teenager gets Weezer to cover Toto’s “Africa” (1:56:40)

Potentium – Episode 055

Potentium – Episode 055

Guest co-host Shawn Thorpe from blubrry.com

California to ban lawyers from having sex with their clients (4:30)

Arkansas passes birth certificate bill (11:35)

Texas Pastor goes to mall to tell children Santa isn’t real (18:50)

Cindy Brady goes on homophobic rant and gets fired from her radio show (34:15)

More Trump appointments (42:55)

Russian interference in the US election (54:20)

The Trump victory tour (1:15:35)

Alan Thicke dies (1:22:00)

Review of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (124:45)