Potentium – Episode 003

Potentium – Episode 003

Stone Mountain, Georgia/MLK monument controversy, whitewashing history

TV – American Horror Story: Hotel, Gotham, Minority Report, The Walking Dead, Back to the Future Day & Marty’s luck

Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi

Caitlyn Jenner & Reese Witherspoon win Glamour Magazine’s “Woman of the Year”/Transgender issues/Prejudice/The Federalist’s article by Nicole Russell

What “Black Lives Matter” means/Police shootings & being a police officer

AHS- Hotel - Demon rapist

Potentium – Episode 002

Potentium – Episode 002

Summary of the first Democratic debate

Our dysfunctional Congress/Republicans

The “Presidential” Donald Trump/”Feel the Bern”/Mike Huckabee & Evangelicals

Religion in law/Examples of  Socialism in America

Ghosts, alien abductions & carnival barking psychics

Drunken soldier kidnaps wild raccoon, squeezes it to breathe into breathalyzer activated car, gets attacked before driving into a swimming pool

13 Ghosts - The Juggernaut

Potentium – Episode 001

Potentium – Episode 001

The gun problem in America/statistics

The idiocy of Ben Carson

Smart gun technology & conceal/carry issues

Sea World, animal cruelty, circuses, zoos & hunters

Politics in general, radicalism and polarization
