Potentium – Episode 216 (3/5/20)

Potentium – Episode 216 (3/5/20)

Marine Commandant bans all Confederate paraphernalia from Marine bases worldwide/You Tuber James Morehouse (4:20)

OK College Recruiter lines up students by complexion and “nappy” hair (15:30)

CA man who harassed Parkland shooting victims gets five years in prison (19:20)

LA DA’s husband pulls gun on BLM protesters on his front porch (23:20)

SC GOP proudly admits to meddling in Democratic primary (30:30)

Garth Brooks harassed online for wearing a Barry Sanders jersey (38:35)

Late night Bernie impressions/Democratic primaries & Super Tuesday (42:10)

“Dirty Bernie” calls in (55:00)

What is Democratic Socialism? (1:01:10)

Trump – Court rules Executive Branch officials don’t have to testify under Congressional subpoena/Trump Jr. says Democrats want millions to get the Coronavirus & die/Trump blames Obama for Coronavirus response (1:07:55)

Chuck Schumer’s idiotic comments regarding the Supreme Court (1:14:35)

Bill Maher – Death threats (1:21:40)

Thanks for listening!

Potentium – Episode 204 (12/12/19)

Potentium – Episode 204 (12/12/19)

OH, KY & their ridiculous abortion bills

Houston Chief of Police urges gun control while Virginia Sheriff promises to deputize thousands in his gun sanctuary county  (16:15)

Four more teens escape redneck juvenile detention centers (30:05)

The GA ass slapping jogger is a Boy Scout leader & Youth Minister (32:30)

The stupid ass Peleton “controversy” (37:10)

Trump – IG report on FBI “spying”/Christopher Wray/Michael Horowitz/William Barr/House introduces Articles of Impeachment/People evidently flush their toilets 15 times (43:10)

Chris Cillizza & Trump’s attacks on fox “news” (1:09:10)

Bill Maher – Republican double standards (1:19:55)

Big Bird Carol Spinney, Alice’s Philip McKeon & Roxette’s Marie Fredriksson die (1:26:15)

Potentium – Episode 195 (10/10/19)

Potentium – Episode 195 (10/10/19)

(Technical difficulties with the intro)

Serial killer Samuel Little (5:05)

FL Surprise birthday shooting (10:15)

FL Judge sentences 21 yr. old to ten days in jail for accidentally missing jury duty (13:30)

GA redneck at McDonald’s admits he’s a racist (18:00)

MT Grizzly attacks three hunters in one day (22:05)

Matt Lauer accused of rape (25:25)

Woman catches fiancé sexually assaulting a bridesmaid two days before her wedding…She marries him anyway (30:35)

Ellen DeGeneris & pal George W. Bush (35:10)

Michael Knowles & Greta Thunberg (41:25)

SCOTUS takes on gender discrimination case (49:45)

Trump – Impeachment/The joker/Kurt Volker/The stunning hypocrisy of Trey Gowdy, Lindsey Graham & Mike Pompeo/GOP cries “Kangaroo court”/Mike Pence/Syria, Turkey & the Kurds (55:20)

Bill Maher & James Corden on fat shaming (1:26:05)


Ginger Baker of Cream dies

Potentium – Episode 189 (8/29/19)

Potentium – Episode 189 (8/29/19)

Getting over a wicked flu/Quitting daytime drinking

Amazon Rain Forest fires (8:00)

Marysville, Michigan Town Council candidate Jean Cramer wants to keep the town white (13:50)

Blockhead Hannity attacks Bill Maher for David Koch comments (25:30)

Alien Ruth Bader Ginsburg beats pancreatic cancer…AGAIN! (31:50)

Trump – Background checks/Impending recession/China & “the chosen one”/“Disloyal” Jews/Buying Greenland/G7 Summit/North Korea constructing nuclear sub/Hurricane Dorian/Puerto Rico/Children born to some service members abroad will not automatically be US citizens/William Barr’s big party at Trump International, Washington D.C. (36:15)

Kayleigh Mceneny tells Chris Cuomo that Trump NEVER lies (1:21:00)

Football – Bears/Notre Dame/Andrew Luck retires/Classless Colts fans/Doug Gottlieb’s stupid comments (1:30:55)

Potentium – Episode 182 (7/12/19)

Potentium – Episode 182 (7/12/19)

The Blue Bell ice cream licking scumbags identified (3:00)

Racism – “Callbox Chris” (9:50)

Man kills teen because he was “threatened” by his rap music (22:10)

First US baby born from uterine transplant by deceased organ donor (26:00)

Death by shit transplant (29:15)

Jeffrey Epstein arrested/Alex Acosta resigns (32:35)

Ross Perot dies/SNL & Dana Carvey (42:25)

MS gubernatorial candidate Robert Foster won’t be interviewed by female reporters without a man present (51:00)

Amy McGrath – The Letter (54:25)

US Women’s Soccer Team wins another World Cup/Megan Rapinoe/fox “news” & “Fuck Trump!” Live on the air (1:00:20) 

Trump – Twitter Tantrum #10,996 – Attacking fox “news”/Bullshit “cleanest air & water” claims/S.E. Cupp’s great take on Trump’s “patriotism”/“Social media Summit”/Drug prices on the rise/ICE raids/Administration backs down on census question (1:06:40)

Potentium – Episode 181 (7/5/19)

Potentium – Episode 181 (7/5/19)

The Fourth of July & how ignorant Americans are (3:45)

“Manly” Force Factor pills & commercials (20:20)

Nike, Betsy Ross & Colin Kaepernick (30:10)

Judge James Troiano (NJ) says teen rapist should be shown leniency because he comes from a good family & is an Eagle Scout (41:20)

California introduces common sense ammunition law (51:00)

Georgia using Jim Crow tactics to keep native Puerto Ricans from getting driver’s licenses (54:45)

Racist Border Patrol Agents & their secret Facebook group (57:40)

Trump – Joking with Putin/N. Korean photo op/Donald Trump Jr’s “birther” type Tweet about Kamala Harris/Homelessness started two years ago/Tech companies/Salute to America (1:05:50)

Bianna’s health update

Potentium – Episode 180 (6/28/19)

Potentium – Episode 180 (6/28/19)

Rednecks Talibama car dealership giving away an American flag, a Bible & a 12 gauge shotgun with every car

FL Domestic violence victim arrested for stealing and turning over violent husband’s guns to police (12:35)

AL Pregnant woman shot in the stomach charged with manslaughter after miscarriage (21:40)

Baby girl found in Georgia woods in a plastic bag (26:25)

FL Asshole who killed Bush Gardens flamingo hit and killed by a truck (29:10)

New Jersey bully beats the mother of the kid he bullied in school (38:45)

Republicans in Oregon flee the state rather than lose a vote on climate change (46:10)

SCOTUS comes through on census issue/Fucks America on gerrymandering (56:25)

Trump – Iran/Rape accusation/Mueller to testify/John Sanders resigns/Migrant child detention & the conditions (1:06:50)

Democratic debates (1:13:25)

Update on Bianna’s cancer (1:43:00)

Potentium – Episode 176 (5/30/19)

Potentium – Episode 176 (5/30/19)

Bianna’s divorce is final/Relationships

Mt. Everest deaths (8:15)

FDA approves drug that costs 2.1 million dollars (15:25)

The monumental hypocrisy of Mitch McConnell (23:40)

Trump – (31:55) 

Nancy pelosi

Kim Jong Un & Trump rip Biden

Investigating the investigators

Robert Mueller’s statement

Trump’s ballistic, impromptu press conference

USS John McCain Memorial Day controversy

William Barr interview on CBS This Morning

Potentium – Episode 174 (5/17/19)

Potentium – Episode 174 (5/17/19)

Boeing 737 Max Jet controversy (4:30)

RIDICULOUS amount of FDA recalls (8:30)

Monsanto & Round Up (13:55)

Racist “promposals” (20:20)

Puritanical Alabama abortion law (40:35)

Maine wants to give all Electoral votes to the popular vote winner in 2020 (54:35)

Trump – Giuliani & the Ukraine/Donald Trump Jr. agrees to testify/China & tariffs/Iran (1:06:20)

The final episode of The Big Bang Theory/Game of Thrones (1:28:50)

Potentium – Episode 173 (5/10/19)

Potentium – Episode 173 (5/10/19)

Colorado STEM school shooting (4:40)

Winnie the Pooh” voiceover actor Jim Cummings accused of rape & animal abuse (18:45)

Rhode Island “Lunch shaming” (28:55)

Big Pharma prices/HHS/CEO John Kapoor indicted (33:40)

Republican C.D. Davidsmeyer wants to make Chicago it’s own state (43:35)

Ohio district map ruled unconstitutional/Gerrymandering (50:15)

Facebook bans extremists/Chris Hughes says Facebook should be broken up by the government (54:50)

Trump – N. Korea/Pardoning a murderer/Trump’s financial losses from ’85 to ’95/Mitch McConnell/Donald Trump Jr. subpoena/The hypocrisy of Tucker Carlson & Lindsey Graham/Shooting migrants is funny (1:06:20)

New Tool album to be released August 30th!!!!!