Potentium – Episode 241 (8/27/20)

Potentium – Episode 241 (8/27/20)

Kenosha, WI – Jacob Blake shooting/Kyle Rittenhouse/Tucker Carlson defends armed vigilante justice

Coronavirus – Deaths and cases dropping/Plasma therapy (22:05)

Trump – Maryanne Barry Trump’s comments about “The Donald”/Kellyanne Conway leaving the WH (30:45)

RNC – QAnon supporter Maryanne Mendoza pulled from lineup for anti-Semitic remarks/Highlights/Vampira speaks (35:25)

Joe Biden’s DNC speech (1:16:45)

Potentium – Episode 239 (8/13/20)

Potentium – Episode 239 (8/13/20)

My neighbor’s despair

Jerry Falwell Jr. on indefinite leave from Liberty University (11:00)

Coronavirus – Schools/Georgia student suspended over photo/College football/Inside Wuan lab/Russia claims to have Covid vaccine/Trump’s virus failure (16:55)

MI County Commissioner Tom Eckerle blames “The niggers in Detroit” for Covid spread, then resigns (36:55)

Joe Biden picks Kamala Harris as running mate/Trump attacks/Tucker Carlson’s new angle of stupidity/QAnon nutjob Marjorie Taylor Greene wins GA primary/Conspiracy theories (40:05)

Trump – Biden wants to “hurt god”/Election meddling/Reporter calls him out on Veteran’s Choice lie/“Thighland” (1:18:55)

Collin Morikawa wins the PGA Championship at age 23/Baseball/RBI 20 (1:26:55)