Potentium – Episode 039

Potentium – Episode 039

Unreleased George Carlin

Thomas Gibson (Hotch) fired from Criminal Minds

Star Wars: Rogue One/Vader…is…COMING!

The Olympics/Ryan Lochte/Niko Hines from The Daily Beast outs gay athletes all over the world for fun

Donald Trump – Extreme vetting/“regrets”/12 year old runs Trump district in Colorado/Giuliani on Hillary Clinton’s health/The black vote/Immigration/Katrina Pierson

Star Wars 4

Potentium – Episode 018

Potentium – Episode 018

Federal immigration judge says 3 year olds can represent themselves in court

UK gene editing and it’s slippery slope

Gun activist mother shot by her toddler from back seat of the car

Obama is starting to get things off of his chest

The violence that surrounds Donald Trump rallies no matter where they are/St. Louis/Chicago

Republicans are starting to get things off of their chests

Jamie Gilt 2