Potentium – Episode 064

Potentium – Episode 064

New medical marijuana dispensary (3:30)

My good samaritan/found wallet story (8:35)

The Grammys (12:15)


Stephen Miller (25:05)

Russian dossier on Trump gaining ground (32:40)

Kellyanne Conway/General Michael Flynn (37:50)

Trump’s press conference (50:15)

Harward turns down NSA position (1:21:00)

The difference between Democrats & Republicans (1:26:40)

Fox New’s Shepard Smith attacks Trump (1:33:05)

Congressional rollbacks/Animal welfare (1:43:45)

Mom speaks a half Sicilian/half English rant on Trump (1:53:10)

Bill Maher/Milo Yiannopoulos & Republicans (1:57:30)

Potentium – Episode 049

Potentium – Episode 049

The Cubs win the World Series!

Trump – Kicks black supporter out of rally (22:40)

Central Park Five (29:25)

“Jew-SA” & Kellyanne Conway (35:50)

Trump on the NFL, concussions, & the Redskins (45:15)

Jason Chaffetz & Benghazi (53:10)

Russian business ties (58:01)

Trump’s December hearing for raping a 13 year old girl (1:04:05)

Vampira Trump speaks again (1:11:20)

Praising the Clintons (1:31:05)

Joy Behar vs. Kellyanne Conway (1:34:10)

Final assault on Donald Trump (1:46:50)


Potentium – Episode 046

Potentium – Episode 046

2nd Presidential debate special

Debate highlights

Trump & sexual assault allegations


Potentium – Episode 044

Potentium – Episode 044

First Presidential debate special

Ted Cruz now supports Trump (1:45)

Debate highlights (8:25)

Trump’s reaction to the debate (135:22)

“Disgusting” former Miss Universe Alicia Machado (140:10)


Potentium – Episode 040

Potentium – Episode 040

Gene Wilder dies

The “genius” that is Kanye West

Football – Six Notre Dame players arrested/Colin Kaepernick

BLM shirts banned at Arizona school

Republicans reject veterans bill

Trump – Mexico & immigration/The black vote/Rudy Giuliani/Nationalism/Campaign Manager Kellyanne Conway says if women were “stronger” rape wouldn’t exist/TV ads

Gene Wilder - The Waco Kid (Blazing Saddles)

Potentium – Episode 037

Potentium – Episode 037

Dry heave/DNC special

The Bob & Katie Show

The Democratic National Convention

Bernie Sanders/DNC emails/Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Kazir Khan

Michelle Obama

Bill O’Reilly & how great the slaves had it

President Obama

Hillary Clinton

Donald Trump

DNC 16

Potentium – Episode 002

Potentium – Episode 002

Summary of the first Democratic debate

Our dysfunctional Congress/Republicans

The “Presidential” Donald Trump/”Feel the Bern”/Mike Huckabee & Evangelicals

Religion in law/Examples of  Socialism in America

Ghosts, alien abductions & carnival barking psychics

Drunken soldier kidnaps wild raccoon, squeezes it to breathe into breathalyzer activated car, gets attacked before driving into a swimming pool

13 Ghosts - The Juggernaut