Potentium – Episode 147 (11/10/18)

Potentium – Episode 147 (11/10/18)

Prison rehabilitation

Spanking kids (6:35)

Teacher arrested for child abuse (19:45)

HIV+ mother has liver transplanted into baby (29:30)

Boy Scouts vs. Girl Scouts (38:25)

Poll problems/Triumph the Insult Comic Dog/Election results (44:15)

Trump – Midterm reaction/Hostile press conference/Jim Acosta/Jeff Sessions fired/Matt Whitaker/Marine One Press conference/(1:04:45)

Bill Maher – Dictators (1:48:00)

Bears/ND/Hawks fire Coach Q

Potentium – Episode 061

Potentium – Episode 061

Sick with a cold the whole week

Mental note: When you go to give money to the homeless, make sure they’re homeless (4:50)

Texas “good samaritan” gets killed trying to stop a robbery (7:40)

Trump – Sean Spicer & Kellyanne Conway’s “alternative facts:(14:50)

Triumph the Insult Comic Dog at the Trump Inauguration (49:10)

Women’s march (57:10)

Attacks on Barron Trump & Comparisons to Sasha & Malia Obama (1:02:25)

Military bulk up & refugee ban (1:14:30)

Trump silences EPA (1:27:40)

Trump’s first interview on ABC (1:31:20)

Bill Maher on why liberals keep losing elections (2:39:40)